Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pengaruh Sektor Komunikasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Studi Kasus Jawa Tengah

Pengaruh Sektor Komunikasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah
Studi Kasus Jawa Tengah
(Tema : Dampak Investasi di Sektor Telekomunikasi Selular Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah)
Oleh: Arya Jodilistyo

Sektor komunikasi merupakan salah satu sektor yang cukup memberikan pengaruh pada perekonomian, mengingat dengan semakin meningkatnya perekonomian maka masyarakat dituntut untuk lebih dinamis dalam melakukan aktivitas perekonomian. Terkait dengan hal tersebut maka investasi pada sektor ini sangat diperlukan dalam upaya mendorong perekonomian. Dengan menggunakan table input-output, karya tulis ini mencoba menangkap pengaruh sektor Komunikasi dalam perekonomian yang secara riil tercermin dari penyerapan tenaga kerja.

Latar belakang
Salah satu indicator yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat perkembangan negara atau daerah adalah melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tercermin dari Pendapatan Daerah Bruto (PDB) untuk level nasional atau Pendapatan Daerah Regional Bruto (PDRB) untuk level daerah. Dari sisi penawaran (sektoral), indicator tersebut menunjukkan besarnya nilai tambah yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha pada tiap sektor. Sedangkan dari sisi penggunaan, indicator tersebut menunjukkan tingkat konsumsi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, masyarakat dan investor serta tingkat ekspor netto di daerah.
Berdasarkan data BPS, sektor ekonomi yang memiliki porsi terbesar dalam perekonomian nasional adalah sektor industri pengolahan (26%) kemudian diikuti dengan sektor perdagangan hotel dan restoran (PHR) dan sektor pertanian yang masing-masing memiliki porsi sebesar 17% dan 14%. Namun berdasarkan laju pertumbuhan secara tahunan (year on year, yoy), sektor PHR dan sektor komunikasi memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan terbesar (15,5%).

Grafik 1. Porsi Produk Domestik Bruto Sektoral (%) Grafik 2. Laju Produk Domestik Bruto Sektoral Harga Konstan 2000 (%)

Sedangkan dari sisi penggunaan, PDB masih ditopang oleh konsumsi rumah tangga yang memiliki porsi sebesar 57% dan investasi yang tercermin dari pembentukan modal tetap bruto (PMTB) dengan porsi sebesar 24%. Rata-rata laju pertumbuhan triwulanan investasi merupakan yang terbesar diantara komponen lain, mencapai 4,3%.

Grafik 3. Porsi Produk Domestik Bruto Penggunaan (%) Grafik 4. Laju Produk Domestik Bruto Penggunaan Harga Konstan 2000 (%)

Berdasarkan data di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan sektor komunikasi yang relatif tinggi tersebut tidak terlepas dari pengaruh perkembangan tingkat perekonomian masyarakat yang semakin meningkat. Peningkatan perekonomian ini menuntut masyarakat untuk lebih fleksibel, terutama dari sisi transportasi dan komunikasi, dalam melakukan aktivitas ekonomi. Untuk memenuhi kelancaran aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat sebagai bentuk peningkatan perekonomian, dibutuhkan berbagai dukungan dari berbagai pihak, terutama pembangunan dan investasi infrastuktur. Melihat kinerja dan porsi investasi dan sektor komunikasi dalam perekonomian, maka cukup penting untuk mengetahui dampak investasi pada sektor komunikasi bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Rumusan Masalah
Pelaksanaan kebijakan otonomi daerah yang mulai diberlakukan dengan diterbitkannya UU No.22 tahun 1999 memiliki implikasi terhadap kegiatan ekonomi di daerah. Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi salah satu implikasi dari pemberlakuan otonomi daerah tersebut, baik secara jangka menengah maupun panjang. Kebijakan tersebut menjadikan pemerintah daerah memiliki keleluasaan dan kebebasan lebih besar untuk mengatur serta mengelola kegiatan ekonominya, termasuk juga untuk merespon keinginan investasi di wilayahnya.
Untuk menghasilkan suatu kebijakan investasi yang tepat sebagai respon terhadap potensi di daerah, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang cukup memadai terkait dengan karakteristik daerah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui dampak investasi terhadap perekonomian daerah, khususnya Jawa Tengah. Berdasarkan data BPS tahun 2008, bobot PDRB Jawa Tengah mencapai 8,63% merupakan terbesar ke-empat setelah DKI, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur. Relatif besarnya bobot PDRB Jawa Tengah tersebut, menjadi dasar pertimbangan pemilihan provinsi tersebut sebagai objek penelitian.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan di atas maka permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Mengetahui hubungan antar sektor ekonomi di Jawa Tengah.
2. Pengaruh sektor komunikasi terhadap perekonomian di Jawa Tengah.

Asumsi dan Batasan Masalah
Beberapa asumsi dan batasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain:
1. Objek penelitian adalah Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
2. Pengolahan data dan analisa sektor komunikasi merupakan satu kesatuan sektor ekonomi secara luas (tidak dipisahkan antara pengangkutan dan komunikasi).
3. Analisa yang dilakukan berdasarkan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah tahun 2004 yang dipublikasikan oleh BPS.
Tujuan Penelitian
Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sektor komunikasi dan sektor ekonomi lain di Jawa Tengah.
2. Mengetahui kinerja sektor komunikasi terhadap perekonomian Jawa Tengah, khususnya dari sisi tenaga kerja.

Manfaat Penelitian
Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Sebagai tambahan wawasan ilmiah penulis dalam penerapan disiplin ilmu yang penulis tekuni.
2. Sebagai penambah, pelengkap, sekaligus pembanding hasil-hasil penelitian yang sudah ada.
3. Sebagai masukan yang bermanfaat bagi pemerintah atau instansi-instansi yang terkait untuk membentuk kebijakan yang lebih baik lagi.

Hasil Penelitian Sebelumnya
Pada penelitian mengenai proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah provinsi Jawa Timur, Santoso, dkk (2001) menggunakan pendekatan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Dimana output provinsi Jawa Timur adalah fungsi dari jumlah kapital (K) dan jumlah tenaga (L) yang digunakan dalam proses produksi. Variabel tenaga kerja sesuai definisi BPS, variabel perubahan nilai tukar rupiah/dollar AS, dan variabel persetujuan penanaman modal serta variabel kredit perbankan digunakan sebagai variabel proxy. Dengan menggunakan model tersebut, dapat diketahui perkiraan perkembangan PDRB dan sektor unggulan. Selain itu juga dapat mengetahui pengaruh / dampak perubahan perekonomian luar negeri terhadap sektor unggulan di provinsi Jawa Timur.
Menurut hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Suhendra, dkk (2005) dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output provinsi Bali tahun 2000, diketahui bahwa sektor unggulan di provinsi Bali adalah sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran (PHR). Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya nilai output sektor tersebut maupun melalui peranan nilai tambah yang dihasilkan. Besaran output merupakan nilai produksi pada sektor PHR dalam menghasilkan barang maupun jasa yang menunjukkan peranan atau sumbangan sektor tersebut dalam pembentukan output Bali secara keseluruhan.
Dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output tahun 2000, penelitian Suhendra. S., 2005 menyimpulkan bahwa sektor pertanian masih lebih kuat terhadap goncangan krisis ekonomi. Hal ini dikarenakan sektor pertanian lebih banyak menggunakan sumber daya domestik dibandingkan dengan sektor industri yang banyak menggantungkan bahan baku impor.
Penelitian lain yang terkait dengan proyeksi PDRB dilakukan oleh Bappeda provinsi Jawa Barat . Dimana proyeksi PDRB menggunakan metode ARIMA dengan asumsi PDRB sebagai fungsi dari waktu dan variabel lain dianggap tetap. Kelemahan dari metode ini antara lain : adanya pengaruh dari kondisi global terhadap PDRB sehingga perlu diperhitungkan serta tidak dapat melihat keterkaitan antar faktor pembentuk PDRB, diperlukan penyempurnaan dengan menggunakan model dinamis.

Produk Domestik Regional Bruto
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) merupakan nilai seluruh produk dan jasa yang diproduksi di wilayah tersebut tanpa memperhatikan apakah faktor produksinya berasal dari wilayah tersebut atau tidak. Pendapatan yang timbul oleh adanya kegiatan produksi tersebut merupakan pendapatan domestik. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan wilayah domestik atau region adalah meliputi wilayah yang berada di dalam wilayah geografis region tersebut.
Pada kenyataannya, sebagian faktor produksi dari kegiatan produksi di suatu wilayah berasal dari wilayah lain. Demikian juga sebaliknya, sehingga faktor produksi yang dimiliki wilayah tersebut ikut pula dalam proses produksi di wilayah lain. Dengan demikian, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) menunjukkan gambaran “Production Originatea”. Hal ini menyebabkan nilai produksi domestik yang timbul di
suatu wilayah tidak sama dengan pendapatan yang diterima penduduk wilayah tersebut. Dengan adanya arus pendapatan yang mengalir antarwilayah (termasuk dari/ke luar negeri), maka timbul perbedaan antara Produk Domestik dengan Produk Regional. Produk Regional adalah produk domestik ditambah pendapatan dari luar wilayah
dikurangi dengan pendapatan yang dibayarkan ke luar wilayah tersebut. Dengan kata
lain, Produk Regional merupakan produk yang ditimbulkan oleh faktor produksi yang
dimiliki oleh penduduk wilayah tersebut.

Pendekatan PDRB
Dalam penyusunan PDRB, dibedakan menjadi dua pendekatan yaitu :
• Pendekatan Produksi
Adalah PDRB yang disusun melalui pendekatan produksi menjelaskan bagaimana PDRB dihasilkan oleh berbagai sektor ekonomi yang beroperasi di suatu wilayah (region) atau merupakan jumlah nilai produk barang dan jasa akhir yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai unit produksi di dalam suatu wilayah dalam jangka waktu tertentu (biasanya satu tahun) atau PDRB demikian itu disebut sebagai PDRB menurut sektor atau biasa disebut pula sebagai PDRB ditinjau dari sisi penyediaan (supply side).
• Pendekatan Pengeluaran atau Penggunaan atau Belanja
Adalah PDRB yang disusun melalui pendekatan pengeluaran yang menjelaskan bagaimana PDRB suatu wilayah (region) digunakan atau dimanfaatkan, baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan di dalam wilayah maupun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di luar wilayah. PDRB demikian itu disebut sebagai PDRB menurut penggunaan (terminologi yang akan digunakan dalam publikasi ini) atau disebut PDRB menurut pengeluaran (Gross Regional Domestic Product by Expenditure), atau biasa juga disebut sebagai PDRB yang ditinjau dari sisi permintaan (demand side).
Metode Penghitungan PDRB
Secara umum, terdapat dua metode penghitungan PDRB yang digunakan, yaitu :
• PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku
PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku adalah jumlah nilai produksi atau pendapatan atau pengeluaran yang dinilai sesuai dengan harga yang berlaku pada tahun yang bersangkutan.
• PDRB atas dasar harga konstan
PDRB atas dasar harga konstan adalah jumlah nilai produksi atau pendapatan atau pengeluaran yang dinilai atas dasar harga tetap (harga pada tahun dasar) yang digunakan selama satu tahun.

Pengertian Tabel Input Output
Tabel Input Output merupakan uraian statistic dalam bentuk matriks yang menyajikan informasi tentang transaksi barang dan jasa serta keterkaitan antar satuan sektor ekonomi dalam suatu wilayah pada suatu periode tertentu. Tabel Input output memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai: 1) struktur perekonomian nasional maupun regional yang mencakup struktur output dan nilai tambah masing – masing sektor, (2) struktur input antara, (3) struktur penyediaan barang dan jasa, baik berupa produksi dalam negeri maupun barang impor, (4) struktur permintaan barang dan jasa, baik permintaan antara oleh sektor produksi maupun permintaan akhir untuk konsumsi, investasi, dan ekspor.

Kegunaan Tabel Input Output
Tabel input output memiliki kegunaan antara lain :
• Memperkirakan dampak permintaan akhir dan perubahannya terhadap perubahan variabel lain.
• Memproyeksi variabel – variabel ekonomi.
• Mengamati komposisi penyediaan dan penggunaan barang atau jasa sehingga mempermudah analisis kebutuhan impor dan kemungkinan substitusinya.
• Menganalisis perubahan harga.
• Mengetahui sektor ekonomi yang mempunyai pengaruh kuat serta tingkat sensitivitas terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Pengaruh sektor ekonomi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terlihat dari tingkat ketergantungan perekonomian suatu daerah terhadap masing – masing sektor tersebut. Sektor yang memiliki pengaruh kuat disebut juga dengan sektor kunci. Adapun penentuan sektor kunci dilakukan dengan cara, antara lain (Sitorus, 2005) :
(1). Apabila mempunyai kaitan belakang (backward linkage) dan kaitan ke depan (forward linkage) yang relatif tinggi.
(2). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila menghasilkan output bruto yang relatif tinggi sehingga mampu mempertahankan permintaan akhir (final demand) yang relatif tinggi pula.
(3). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila mampu menghasilkan penerimaan bersih devisa yang relatif tinggi.
(4). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja yang relatif tinggi.

Asumsi dan Batasan Input Output
Dalam pembuatan model input output, transaksi – transaksi yang digunakan dalam penyusunan tabel input output harus memenuhi tiga asumsi dasar, yaitu :
• Homogenitas, dimana tiap sektor memproduksi output tunggal dengan struktur input tunggal dan tidak ada substitusi otomatis antar sektor.
• Proporsionalitas, hubungan antara input dan output dalam proses produksi merupakan fungsi linier, dimana jumlah input yang diserap seuatu sektor sebanding dengan perubahan output pada sektor tersebut.
• Aditivitas, merupakan asumsi yang menyebutkan bahwa efek total pelaksanaan produksi di sektor ekonomi dihasilkan oleh masing – masing sektor secara terpisah dan mengabaikan pengaruh di luar sistem input output.

Model Persamaan Input Ouput
Secara umum, tabel Input Output digambarkan sebagai berikut :

Kuadran I
(n x n)
Transaksi antar sektor/kegiatan Kuadran II
(n x m)
Permintaan akhir
Kuadran III
(p x n)
Input primer Kuadran IV
(p x m)
Gambar 2.1 Kerangka Tabel Input Output

Kuadran I disebut juga dengan transaksi antara, menunjukkan distribusi penggunaan barang dan jasa untuk suatu proses produksi dapat berupa bahan baku atau bahan penolong untuk diproses kembali (sektor endogen). Kuadran II, menunjukkan permintaan akhir (final demand) dari barang dan jasa yang bukan untuk proses produksi. Permintaan akhir terdiri dari konsumsi rumah tangga, konsumsi pemerintah, investasi dan ekspor. Kuadran III merupakan gambaran dari input primer yang merupakan balas jasa faktor produksi yang meliputi upah dan gaji, surplus usaha ditambah penyusutan dan pajak tidak langsung neto. Kuadran IV menunjukkan input primer yang langsung didistribusikan ke sektor permintaan akhir dimana data pada kuadran IV bukan merupakan tujuan pokok, sehingga sering diabaikan. Sektor II, III dan IV merupakan sektor eksogen.
Dari sisi teknis, tabel Input Output dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut (contoh kasus 3 sektor) :

Alokasi Output Permintaan
Antara Permintaan
Akhir Penyediaan
Struktur Input Sektor Produksi Impor Jumlah
Input Antara
Sektor 1
Sektor 2
Sektor 3 Kuadran I
x11 x12 x13
x21 x22 x23
x31 x32 x33 Kuadran II
Input Primer Kuadran III
V1 V2 V3
Jumlah Input X1 X2 X3

Adapun definisi dari variabel – variabel yang digunakan dalam tabel input output adalah :
1. Output
Merupakan nilai dari seluruh produk yang dihasilkan oleh sektor ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan faktor produksi yang tersedia dalam suatu wilayah pada suatu periode. Untuk sektor yang menghasilkan barang seperti sektor pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian, industri pengolahan, bangunan serta listrik, gas dan air, maka nilai outputnya merupakan hasil kali dari jumlah (kuantitas) yang dihasilkan dengan harga per unit produksi sektor tersebut (output = ∑ produk x harga produk). Sedangkan untuk sektor yang produknya berupa jasa, nilai output dihitung berdasarkan nilai penerimaan atas jasa yang diberikan kepada pihak lain.
2. Input Antara
Merupakan seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk barang dan jasa yang digunakan habis untuk proses produksi, seperti bahan baku, bahan penolong, jasa perbankan dan sebagainya.
3. Input Primer
Input atau biaya yang timbul sebagai akibat pemakaian faktor produksi yang terdiri dari tenaga kerja, tanah, modal dan kewiraswastaan. Input Primer dapat berupa upah / gaji, surplus usaha, penyusutan barang modal dan pajak tidak langsung neto. Nilai input primer akan sama dengan output dikurangi input antara (Input primer = output – input antara).
4. Permintaan Akhir dan Impor
Merupakan permintaan atas barang dan jasa yang digunakan untuk konsumsi akhir, yang terdiri dari pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga, pengeluaran konsumsi pemerintah, pembentukkan modal tetap bruto, perubahan stok dan ekspor.
Berdasarkan gambar 2.2, diperoleh beberapa hubungan persamaan dari sisi baris sebagai berikut :
Persamaan 2.1 dapat disederhanakan menjadi :
, dimana i = 1, 2, 3 ...(2.2)
Dimana jumlah permintaan antara + permintaan akhir = jumlah output + impor, atau jumlah permintaan = jumlah penyediaan. Sedangkan persamaan dari sisi kolom adalah :
Persamaan 2.3 dapat disederhanakan menjadi :
, dimana j = 1, 2, 3 ...(2.4)

Jenis Tabel Input Output
Berdasarkan pembagian kuadran yang terdapat pada tabel input output, dimana kuadran I, II, dan III merupakan tabel dasar yang menggambarkan nilai transaksi barang dan jasa antar sektor ekonomi, maka secara umum tabel input output dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu :
1. Tabel Transaksi Atas Dasar Harga Pembeli
Pada tabel ini, unsur margin perdagangan dan biaya pengangkutan masih tergabung dalam nilai input output sektor yang membeli.
2. Tabel Transaksi Atas Dasar Harga Produsen
Unsur margin perdagangan dan biaya pengangkutan pada tabel ini telah dipisahkan sebagai input dari sektor perdagangan dan pengangkutan.
3. Tabel Transaksi Total (Competitive Import Model)
Menggambarkan nilai transaksi input antara (kuadran I) antar sektor baik dari dalam wilayah maupun impor.
4. Tabel Transaksi Domestik (Non-Competitive Import Model)
Nilai transaksi yang bersifat impor telah dipisahkan dan disajikan sebagai vektor baris tersendiri yang juga menunjukkan rincian barang dan jasa menurut sektor yang menggunakannya

Karya tulis ini akan mencoba untuk menganalisis perkembangan perekonomian Jawa Tengah dari perubahan indikator ekonomi khususnya tenaga kerja. Proses analisis yang dilakukan berdasarkan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah dengan melihat dampak perubahan tenaga kerja yang terjadi terhadap perubahan permintaan akhir dari sisi ekspor sektoral provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Jenis data yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah data sekunder dari publikasi BPS yang terbaru. Sumber data dan variabel pengamatan dalam makalah ini adalah :
• Tabel Input Output Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2004.
• Indikator Ekonomi Jawa Tengah Bulan November 2008
Analisis Tabel Input Output
Dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output dan data tenaga kerja akan diperoleh model input output regional yang berguna untuk melihat keterkaitan antar sektor serta menjadi angka pengganda bagi perubahan output, pendapatan dan ketenaga-kerjaan.

Bagan Analisis Tabel Input Output

Matriks Pengganda
Merupakan penjelasan dari dampak yang terjadi terhadap variabel endogen akibat perubahan variabel eksogen. Matriks pengganda pada tabel Input Output digunakan untuk melakukan analisis dampak output, pendapatan, tenaga kerja dan keterkaitan. Perubahan permintaan output, pada awalnya akan berdampak pada jumlah input yang diperlukan yang selanjutnya akan menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan input. Proses ini berlangsung secara menyeluruh terhadap seluruh kegiatan ekonomi yang menghasilkan barang dan jasa yang digunakan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Untuk menghitung matriks pengganda, dilakukan beberapa hal antara lain :
• Menghitung koefisien input, yang dirumuskan :
Dimana, aij = koefisien input sektor ke “i” oleh sektor ke “j”.
xij = penggunaan input sektor ke “i” oleh sektor ke “j”
Xj = output sektor ke “j”
• Menghitung (I-Ad)
Setelah memperloleh matriks koefisien input (Ad), selanjutnya mengurangi matriks identitas (I) dengan matriks koefisien input (Ad).

Ilustrasi Matriks Identitas 3 Sektor
• Menghitung Matriks Pengganda
Matriks pengganda didefinisikan sebagai matriks kebalikan (inverse) dari (I-Ad).
B = (I-Ad)-1 ...(3.2)

Daya Penyebaran
Daya penyebaran merupakan suatu ukuran untuk melihat keterkaitan ke belakang dari sektor – sektor ekonomi di suatu wilayah (backward linkages). Pada tabel Input Output, hubungan antara output dan permintaan akhir dijabarkan sebagai
X = (I-Ad)-1. Fd dan jika diuraikan dalam matriks menjadi :

dimana bij = sel matriks kebalikan (I-Ad)-1 pada baris “i” dan kolom “j”
Xi = output sektor “i”
Fid = permintaan akhir sektor “i”
Dari persamaan 2.7, dapat dilihat bahwa perubahan tiap unit Fid akan menimbulkan dampak terhadap perubahan Xi sebesar bij sehingga dapat dirumuskan menjadi :
dimana rj = jumlah dampak akibat perubahan permintaan akhir sektor “j” terhadap output seluruh sektor ekonomi = jumlah daya penyebaran.
bij = dampak yang terjadi terhadap output sektor “i” akibat perubahan permintaan akhir sektor “j”.
Untuk membandingkan daya penyebaran antar sektor, dapat dilakukan dengan melihat indeks daya penyebaran sektor (αj).
Apabila nilai αj = 1, maka daya penyebaran sektor “j” sama dengan rata – rata daya penyebaran seluruh sektor ekonomi. Jika nilai αj > 1, menunjukkan daya penyebaran sektor “j” diatas rata – rata daya penyebaran seluruh sektor ekonomi. Sebaliknya jika nilai αj < si =" jumlah"> 1, menunjukkan derajat kepekaan sektor “i” diatas rata – rata derajat kepekaan seluruh sektor ekonomi. Sebaliknya jika nilai βi <> 1), mencapai 1,056. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap kenaikan satu unit output sektor komunikasi akan menyebabkan kenaikan output secara keseluruhan sektor lain dan sektor itu sendiri sebesar 1,056 unit uang. Sedangkan derajat kepekaan (β) sektor komunikasi (7n) mencapai 0,82. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan satu unit uang sektor komunikasi (7n) akan meningkatkan permintaan input tiap sektor termasuk sektor itu sendiri sebesar 0,82 unit uang. Dengan kata lain, untuk memenuhi permintaan tiap satu unit sektor komunikasi (7n), maka sektor lain termasuk sektor komunikasi (7n) akan meningkatkan produksi sebesar 0,82 unit uang.

Tabel 4.7
Indeks Daya Penyebaran dan Derajat Kepekaan Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Pengaruh Sektor Komunikasi
Dari sisi tenaga kerja, jumlah tenaga kerja pada sektor komunikasi (7n) di Jawa Tengah sebesar 711 ribu orang (tabel 4.8). Dengan jumlah tenaga kerja yang relatif tidak terlalu besar, namun sektor komunikasi (7n) mampu menghasilkan nilai tambah yang cukup besar, mencapai Rp 10,96 miliar. Hal ini menunjukkan dalam penciptaan nilai tambah, sektor komunikasi (7n) cukup efisien dan efektif.
Tabel 4.8
Tenaga Kerja per Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah Bulan Agustus 2008

Sumber : BPS Jawa Tengah, diolah

Berdasarkan nilai koefisien teknologi dari pengolahan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah dapat diketahui bahwa untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dalam menghasilkan satu unit nilai tambah pada sektor komunikasi (7n) maka dibutuhkan 0,00133 output sektor pertanian (1n), 0,00075 output sektor pertambangan (2n); 0,197 output sektor industri pengolahan (3n); 0,00776 output sektor listrik, gas dan air (4n); 0,01575 output sektor bangunan (5n); 0,0977 output sektor PHR (6n); 0,0593 output sektor komunikasi (7n); 0,015 output sektor keuangan (8n) dan 0,037 output sektor jasa (9n) (table 4.9).
Tabel 4.9
Koefisien Teknologi Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Besarnya penambahan output sektor komunikasi (7n) terhadap sektor lain dapat dilihat melalui matriks Inverse Leontief atau matriks pengganda output. Peningkatan satu unit permintaan akhir pada sektor komunikasi (7n) akan menciptakan tambahan output terhadap sektor pertanian sebesar 0,051 unit uang, sektor pertambangan (0,079 unit uang), sektor industri pengolahan (0,338 unit uang), sektor listrik, gas dan air (0,0185 unit uang), sektor bangunan (0,0249 unit uang), sektor PHR (0,172 unit uang), sektor komunikasi (1,086 unit uang), sektor keuangan (0,024 unit uang) dan sektor jasa (0,045 unit uang) (table 4.10).

Tabel 4.10
Pengganda Output Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Hubungan antara nilai output suatu sektor dengan kesempatan kerja dapat diestimasi dan dihitung angka pengganda kesempatan kerja untuk setiap sektor (Miller dan Blair, 1985 ). Angka pengganda kesempatan kerja merupakan efek total dari perubahan lapangan pekerjaan akibat adanya satu unit uang perubahan permintaan akhir di suatu sektor.
Hasil pengolahan jumlah tenaga kerja dan tabel Input Output, dapat diketahui bahwa sektor komunikasi (7n) memiliki angka pengganda tenaga kerja terbesar (0,0686). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk setiap peningkatan 100 unit permintaan akhir di sektor pertanian, akan meningkatkan lapangan pekerjaan bagi 7 orang dalam perekonomian (tabel 4.11).
Nilai ekspor Jawa Tengah yang mencapai US$ 2,42 juta memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesempatan kerja di sektor komunikasi (7n) sebesar 4.611 orang tenaga kerja (table 4.12). Kondisi ini memberikan gambaran bahwa kinerja ekspor cukup memberikan peluang bagi penyerapan tenaga kerja, tidak hanya pada sektor komunikasi namun juga bagi sektor ekonomi lainnya.

Tabel 4.11
Pengganda Tenaga Kerja Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Data BPS dan Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah
Tabel 4.12. Dampak Tenaga Kerja Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Data BPS dan Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Pertumbuhan sektor komunikasi, khususnya subsektor telekomunikasi di Jawa Tengah yang relatif cepat merupakan salah satu cerminan perekonomian daerah yang semakin meningkat dan dinamis.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis tabel input output, dapat diketahui bahwa perubahan kebutuhan (input) dan peningkatan output pada sektor komunikasi memberikan pengaruh positif bagi sektor ekonomi lain dan penyerapan tenaga kerja, dimana untuk dapat menghasilkan peningkatan output dibutuhkan investasi pada sektor ini.
Optimalisasi sektor komunikasi melalui peningkatan investasi khususnya dalam bentuk layanan dan infrastruktur kiranya sangat diperlukan, mengingat potensi ekonomi masyarakat yang semakin meningkat dan peranan sektor komunikasi dalam perekonomian yang secara riil tercermin pada penyerapan tenaga kerja.

Daftar Pustaka
Anonim, 2000, Kerangka Teoritis dan Analisis Tabel Input-Output, Biro Neraca Produksi dan Biro Neraca Konsumsi Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Anonim, 2007, Proyeksi Perekonomian Regional Jawa Barat Tahun 2005-2025, Bappeda Provinsi Jawa Barat.
Firmansyah, 2006, Operasi Matrix dan Analisis Input-Output (I-O) Untuk Ekonomi: Aplikasi Praktis Dengan Microsoft Excel dan Matlab, Laboratorium Studi Kebijakan Ekonomi (LSKE), Fakultas Ekonomi UNDIP, Semarang.
Kuncoro. M., 2004, Modul Input Output,
Miller, R., dan Blair, P., 1985, Input Output Analysis : Foundations and Extentions, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Santoso. W., Efrizal, Widiatmaka. P., Wicaksono. H. Y., Setyawan. J., 2001, Model dan Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jatim,
Setiawan, I., 2008, Peranan Sektor Unggulan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Jawa Timur, Bali, Dan Nusa Tenggara Barat: Pendekatan Input-Output Multiregional, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar-Bali.
Suhendra. S., Sugiharto. T., Oswari. T., 2005, Peranan Sektor Pariwisata Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Makro Propinsi Bali Dengan Pendekatan Input-Output,
Suhendra. S., 2005, Peranan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Dengan Pendekatan Input-Output, Proceeding Seminar Nasional PESAT, Auditorium Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta.

Pengaruh Sektor Komunikasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah
Studi Kasus Jawa Tengah
(Tema : Dampak Investasi di Sektor Telekomunikasi Selular Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah)
Oleh: Arya Jodilistyo

Sektor komunikasi merupakan salah satu sektor yang cukup memberikan pengaruh pada perekonomian, mengingat dengan semakin meningkatnya perekonomian maka masyarakat dituntut untuk lebih dinamis dalam melakukan aktivitas perekonomian. Terkait dengan hal tersebut maka investasi pada sektor ini sangat diperlukan dalam upaya mendorong perekonomian. Dengan menggunakan table input-output, karya tulis ini mencoba menangkap pengaruh sektor Komunikasi dalam perekonomian yang secara riil tercermin dari penyerapan tenaga kerja.

Latar belakang
Salah satu indicator yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat perkembangan negara atau daerah adalah melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tercermin dari Pendapatan Daerah Bruto (PDB) untuk level nasional atau Pendapatan Daerah Regional Bruto (PDRB) untuk level daerah. Dari sisi penawaran (sektoral), indicator tersebut menunjukkan besarnya nilai tambah yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha pada tiap sektor. Sedangkan dari sisi penggunaan, indicator tersebut menunjukkan tingkat konsumsi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, masyarakat dan investor serta tingkat ekspor netto di daerah.
Berdasarkan data BPS, sektor ekonomi yang memiliki porsi terbesar dalam perekonomian nasional adalah sektor industri pengolahan (26%) kemudian diikuti dengan sektor perdagangan hotel dan restoran (PHR) dan sektor pertanian yang masing-masing memiliki porsi sebesar 17% dan 14%. Namun berdasarkan laju pertumbuhan secara tahunan (year on year, yoy), sektor PHR dan sektor komunikasi memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan terbesar (15,5%).

Grafik 1. Porsi Produk Domestik Bruto Sektoral (%) Grafik 2. Laju Produk Domestik Bruto Sektoral Harga Konstan 2000 (%)

Sedangkan dari sisi penggunaan, PDB masih ditopang oleh konsumsi rumah tangga yang memiliki porsi sebesar 57% dan investasi yang tercermin dari pembentukan modal tetap bruto (PMTB) dengan porsi sebesar 24%. Rata-rata laju pertumbuhan triwulanan investasi merupakan yang terbesar diantara komponen lain, mencapai 4,3%.

Grafik 3. Porsi Produk Domestik Bruto Penggunaan (%) Grafik 4. Laju Produk Domestik Bruto Penggunaan Harga Konstan 2000 (%)

Berdasarkan data di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan sektor komunikasi yang relatif tinggi tersebut tidak terlepas dari pengaruh perkembangan tingkat perekonomian masyarakat yang semakin meningkat. Peningkatan perekonomian ini menuntut masyarakat untuk lebih fleksibel, terutama dari sisi transportasi dan komunikasi, dalam melakukan aktivitas ekonomi. Untuk memenuhi kelancaran aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat sebagai bentuk peningkatan perekonomian, dibutuhkan berbagai dukungan dari berbagai pihak, terutama pembangunan dan investasi infrastuktur. Melihat kinerja dan porsi investasi dan sektor komunikasi dalam perekonomian, maka cukup penting untuk mengetahui dampak investasi pada sektor komunikasi bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Rumusan Masalah
Pelaksanaan kebijakan otonomi daerah yang mulai diberlakukan dengan diterbitkannya UU No.22 tahun 1999 memiliki implikasi terhadap kegiatan ekonomi di daerah. Pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi salah satu implikasi dari pemberlakuan otonomi daerah tersebut, baik secara jangka menengah maupun panjang. Kebijakan tersebut menjadikan pemerintah daerah memiliki keleluasaan dan kebebasan lebih besar untuk mengatur serta mengelola kegiatan ekonominya, termasuk juga untuk merespon keinginan investasi di wilayahnya.
Untuk menghasilkan suatu kebijakan investasi yang tepat sebagai respon terhadap potensi di daerah, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang cukup memadai terkait dengan karakteristik daerah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui dampak investasi terhadap perekonomian daerah, khususnya Jawa Tengah. Berdasarkan data BPS tahun 2008, bobot PDRB Jawa Tengah mencapai 8,63% merupakan terbesar ke-empat setelah DKI, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur. Relatif besarnya bobot PDRB Jawa Tengah tersebut, menjadi dasar pertimbangan pemilihan provinsi tersebut sebagai objek penelitian.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan di atas maka permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Mengetahui hubungan antar sektor ekonomi di Jawa Tengah.
2. Pengaruh sektor komunikasi terhadap perekonomian di Jawa Tengah.

Asumsi dan Batasan Masalah
Beberapa asumsi dan batasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain:
1. Objek penelitian adalah Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
2. Pengolahan data dan analisa sektor komunikasi merupakan satu kesatuan sektor ekonomi secara luas (tidak dipisahkan antara pengangkutan dan komunikasi).
3. Analisa yang dilakukan berdasarkan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah tahun 2004 yang dipublikasikan oleh BPS.
Tujuan Penelitian
Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sektor komunikasi dan sektor ekonomi lain di Jawa Tengah.
2. Mengetahui kinerja sektor komunikasi terhadap perekonomian Jawa Tengah, khususnya dari sisi tenaga kerja.

Manfaat Penelitian
Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Sebagai tambahan wawasan ilmiah penulis dalam penerapan disiplin ilmu yang penulis tekuni.
2. Sebagai penambah, pelengkap, sekaligus pembanding hasil-hasil penelitian yang sudah ada.
3. Sebagai masukan yang bermanfaat bagi pemerintah atau instansi-instansi yang terkait untuk membentuk kebijakan yang lebih baik lagi.

Hasil Penelitian Sebelumnya
Pada penelitian mengenai proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah provinsi Jawa Timur, Santoso, dkk (2001) menggunakan pendekatan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Dimana output provinsi Jawa Timur adalah fungsi dari jumlah kapital (K) dan jumlah tenaga (L) yang digunakan dalam proses produksi. Variabel tenaga kerja sesuai definisi BPS, variabel perubahan nilai tukar rupiah/dollar AS, dan variabel persetujuan penanaman modal serta variabel kredit perbankan digunakan sebagai variabel proxy. Dengan menggunakan model tersebut, dapat diketahui perkiraan perkembangan PDRB dan sektor unggulan. Selain itu juga dapat mengetahui pengaruh / dampak perubahan perekonomian luar negeri terhadap sektor unggulan di provinsi Jawa Timur.
Menurut hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Suhendra, dkk (2005) dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output provinsi Bali tahun 2000, diketahui bahwa sektor unggulan di provinsi Bali adalah sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran (PHR). Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya nilai output sektor tersebut maupun melalui peranan nilai tambah yang dihasilkan. Besaran output merupakan nilai produksi pada sektor PHR dalam menghasilkan barang maupun jasa yang menunjukkan peranan atau sumbangan sektor tersebut dalam pembentukan output Bali secara keseluruhan.
Dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output tahun 2000, penelitian Suhendra. S., 2005 menyimpulkan bahwa sektor pertanian masih lebih kuat terhadap goncangan krisis ekonomi. Hal ini dikarenakan sektor pertanian lebih banyak menggunakan sumber daya domestik dibandingkan dengan sektor industri yang banyak menggantungkan bahan baku impor.
Penelitian lain yang terkait dengan proyeksi PDRB dilakukan oleh Bappeda provinsi Jawa Barat . Dimana proyeksi PDRB menggunakan metode ARIMA dengan asumsi PDRB sebagai fungsi dari waktu dan variabel lain dianggap tetap. Kelemahan dari metode ini antara lain : adanya pengaruh dari kondisi global terhadap PDRB sehingga perlu diperhitungkan serta tidak dapat melihat keterkaitan antar faktor pembentuk PDRB, diperlukan penyempurnaan dengan menggunakan model dinamis.

Produk Domestik Regional Bruto
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) merupakan nilai seluruh produk dan jasa yang diproduksi di wilayah tersebut tanpa memperhatikan apakah faktor produksinya berasal dari wilayah tersebut atau tidak. Pendapatan yang timbul oleh adanya kegiatan produksi tersebut merupakan pendapatan domestik. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan wilayah domestik atau region adalah meliputi wilayah yang berada di dalam wilayah geografis region tersebut.
Pada kenyataannya, sebagian faktor produksi dari kegiatan produksi di suatu wilayah berasal dari wilayah lain. Demikian juga sebaliknya, sehingga faktor produksi yang dimiliki wilayah tersebut ikut pula dalam proses produksi di wilayah lain. Dengan demikian, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) menunjukkan gambaran “Production Originatea”. Hal ini menyebabkan nilai produksi domestik yang timbul di
suatu wilayah tidak sama dengan pendapatan yang diterima penduduk wilayah tersebut. Dengan adanya arus pendapatan yang mengalir antarwilayah (termasuk dari/ke luar negeri), maka timbul perbedaan antara Produk Domestik dengan Produk Regional. Produk Regional adalah produk domestik ditambah pendapatan dari luar wilayah
dikurangi dengan pendapatan yang dibayarkan ke luar wilayah tersebut. Dengan kata
lain, Produk Regional merupakan produk yang ditimbulkan oleh faktor produksi yang
dimiliki oleh penduduk wilayah tersebut.

Pendekatan PDRB
Dalam penyusunan PDRB, dibedakan menjadi dua pendekatan yaitu :
• Pendekatan Produksi
Adalah PDRB yang disusun melalui pendekatan produksi menjelaskan bagaimana PDRB dihasilkan oleh berbagai sektor ekonomi yang beroperasi di suatu wilayah (region) atau merupakan jumlah nilai produk barang dan jasa akhir yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai unit produksi di dalam suatu wilayah dalam jangka waktu tertentu (biasanya satu tahun) atau PDRB demikian itu disebut sebagai PDRB menurut sektor atau biasa disebut pula sebagai PDRB ditinjau dari sisi penyediaan (supply side).
• Pendekatan Pengeluaran atau Penggunaan atau Belanja
Adalah PDRB yang disusun melalui pendekatan pengeluaran yang menjelaskan bagaimana PDRB suatu wilayah (region) digunakan atau dimanfaatkan, baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan di dalam wilayah maupun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di luar wilayah. PDRB demikian itu disebut sebagai PDRB menurut penggunaan (terminologi yang akan digunakan dalam publikasi ini) atau disebut PDRB menurut pengeluaran (Gross Regional Domestic Product by Expenditure), atau biasa juga disebut sebagai PDRB yang ditinjau dari sisi permintaan (demand side).
Metode Penghitungan PDRB
Secara umum, terdapat dua metode penghitungan PDRB yang digunakan, yaitu :
• PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku
PDRB atas dasar harga berlaku adalah jumlah nilai produksi atau pendapatan atau pengeluaran yang dinilai sesuai dengan harga yang berlaku pada tahun yang bersangkutan.
• PDRB atas dasar harga konstan
PDRB atas dasar harga konstan adalah jumlah nilai produksi atau pendapatan atau pengeluaran yang dinilai atas dasar harga tetap (harga pada tahun dasar) yang digunakan selama satu tahun.

Pengertian Tabel Input Output
Tabel Input Output merupakan uraian statistic dalam bentuk matriks yang menyajikan informasi tentang transaksi barang dan jasa serta keterkaitan antar satuan sektor ekonomi dalam suatu wilayah pada suatu periode tertentu. Tabel Input output memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai: 1) struktur perekonomian nasional maupun regional yang mencakup struktur output dan nilai tambah masing – masing sektor, (2) struktur input antara, (3) struktur penyediaan barang dan jasa, baik berupa produksi dalam negeri maupun barang impor, (4) struktur permintaan barang dan jasa, baik permintaan antara oleh sektor produksi maupun permintaan akhir untuk konsumsi, investasi, dan ekspor.

Kegunaan Tabel Input Output
Tabel input output memiliki kegunaan antara lain :
• Memperkirakan dampak permintaan akhir dan perubahannya terhadap perubahan variabel lain.
• Memproyeksi variabel – variabel ekonomi.
• Mengamati komposisi penyediaan dan penggunaan barang atau jasa sehingga mempermudah analisis kebutuhan impor dan kemungkinan substitusinya.
• Menganalisis perubahan harga.
• Mengetahui sektor ekonomi yang mempunyai pengaruh kuat serta tingkat sensitivitas terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Pengaruh sektor ekonomi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terlihat dari tingkat ketergantungan perekonomian suatu daerah terhadap masing – masing sektor tersebut. Sektor yang memiliki pengaruh kuat disebut juga dengan sektor kunci. Adapun penentuan sektor kunci dilakukan dengan cara, antara lain (Sitorus, 2005) :
(1). Apabila mempunyai kaitan belakang (backward linkage) dan kaitan ke depan (forward linkage) yang relatif tinggi.
(2). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila menghasilkan output bruto yang relatif tinggi sehingga mampu mempertahankan permintaan akhir (final demand) yang relatif tinggi pula.
(3). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila mampu menghasilkan penerimaan bersih devisa yang relatif tinggi.
(4). Suatu sektor dianggap sebagai sektor kunci apabila mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja yang relatif tinggi.

Asumsi dan Batasan Input Output
Dalam pembuatan model input output, transaksi – transaksi yang digunakan dalam penyusunan tabel input output harus memenuhi tiga asumsi dasar, yaitu :
• Homogenitas, dimana tiap sektor memproduksi output tunggal dengan struktur input tunggal dan tidak ada substitusi otomatis antar sektor.
• Proporsionalitas, hubungan antara input dan output dalam proses produksi merupakan fungsi linier, dimana jumlah input yang diserap seuatu sektor sebanding dengan perubahan output pada sektor tersebut.
• Aditivitas, merupakan asumsi yang menyebutkan bahwa efek total pelaksanaan produksi di sektor ekonomi dihasilkan oleh masing – masing sektor secara terpisah dan mengabaikan pengaruh di luar sistem input output.

Model Persamaan Input Ouput
Secara umum, tabel Input Output digambarkan sebagai berikut :

Kuadran I
(n x n)
Transaksi antar sektor/kegiatan Kuadran II
(n x m)
Permintaan akhir
Kuadran III
(p x n)
Input primer Kuadran IV
(p x m)
Gambar 2.1 Kerangka Tabel Input Output

Kuadran I disebut juga dengan transaksi antara, menunjukkan distribusi penggunaan barang dan jasa untuk suatu proses produksi dapat berupa bahan baku atau bahan penolong untuk diproses kembali (sektor endogen). Kuadran II, menunjukkan permintaan akhir (final demand) dari barang dan jasa yang bukan untuk proses produksi. Permintaan akhir terdiri dari konsumsi rumah tangga, konsumsi pemerintah, investasi dan ekspor. Kuadran III merupakan gambaran dari input primer yang merupakan balas jasa faktor produksi yang meliputi upah dan gaji, surplus usaha ditambah penyusutan dan pajak tidak langsung neto. Kuadran IV menunjukkan input primer yang langsung didistribusikan ke sektor permintaan akhir dimana data pada kuadran IV bukan merupakan tujuan pokok, sehingga sering diabaikan. Sektor II, III dan IV merupakan sektor eksogen.
Dari sisi teknis, tabel Input Output dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut (contoh kasus 3 sektor) :

Alokasi Output Permintaan
Antara Permintaan
Akhir Penyediaan
Struktur Input Sektor Produksi Impor Jumlah
Input Antara
Sektor 1
Sektor 2
Sektor 3 Kuadran I
x11 x12 x13
x21 x22 x23
x31 x32 x33 Kuadran II
Input Primer Kuadran III
V1 V2 V3
Jumlah Input X1 X2 X3

Adapun definisi dari variabel – variabel yang digunakan dalam tabel input output adalah :
1. Output
Merupakan nilai dari seluruh produk yang dihasilkan oleh sektor ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan faktor produksi yang tersedia dalam suatu wilayah pada suatu periode. Untuk sektor yang menghasilkan barang seperti sektor pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian, industri pengolahan, bangunan serta listrik, gas dan air, maka nilai outputnya merupakan hasil kali dari jumlah (kuantitas) yang dihasilkan dengan harga per unit produksi sektor tersebut (output = ∑ produk x harga produk). Sedangkan untuk sektor yang produknya berupa jasa, nilai output dihitung berdasarkan nilai penerimaan atas jasa yang diberikan kepada pihak lain.
2. Input Antara
Merupakan seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk barang dan jasa yang digunakan habis untuk proses produksi, seperti bahan baku, bahan penolong, jasa perbankan dan sebagainya.
3. Input Primer
Input atau biaya yang timbul sebagai akibat pemakaian faktor produksi yang terdiri dari tenaga kerja, tanah, modal dan kewiraswastaan. Input Primer dapat berupa upah / gaji, surplus usaha, penyusutan barang modal dan pajak tidak langsung neto. Nilai input primer akan sama dengan output dikurangi input antara (Input primer = output – input antara).
4. Permintaan Akhir dan Impor
Merupakan permintaan atas barang dan jasa yang digunakan untuk konsumsi akhir, yang terdiri dari pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga, pengeluaran konsumsi pemerintah, pembentukkan modal tetap bruto, perubahan stok dan ekspor.
Berdasarkan gambar 2.2, diperoleh beberapa hubungan persamaan dari sisi baris sebagai berikut :
Persamaan 2.1 dapat disederhanakan menjadi :
, dimana i = 1, 2, 3 ...(2.2)
Dimana jumlah permintaan antara + permintaan akhir = jumlah output + impor, atau jumlah permintaan = jumlah penyediaan. Sedangkan persamaan dari sisi kolom adalah :
Persamaan 2.3 dapat disederhanakan menjadi :
, dimana j = 1, 2, 3 ...(2.4)

Jenis Tabel Input Output
Berdasarkan pembagian kuadran yang terdapat pada tabel input output, dimana kuadran I, II, dan III merupakan tabel dasar yang menggambarkan nilai transaksi barang dan jasa antar sektor ekonomi, maka secara umum tabel input output dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu :
1. Tabel Transaksi Atas Dasar Harga Pembeli
Pada tabel ini, unsur margin perdagangan dan biaya pengangkutan masih tergabung dalam nilai input output sektor yang membeli.
2. Tabel Transaksi Atas Dasar Harga Produsen
Unsur margin perdagangan dan biaya pengangkutan pada tabel ini telah dipisahkan sebagai input dari sektor perdagangan dan pengangkutan.
3. Tabel Transaksi Total (Competitive Import Model)
Menggambarkan nilai transaksi input antara (kuadran I) antar sektor baik dari dalam wilayah maupun impor.
4. Tabel Transaksi Domestik (Non-Competitive Import Model)
Nilai transaksi yang bersifat impor telah dipisahkan dan disajikan sebagai vektor baris tersendiri yang juga menunjukkan rincian barang dan jasa menurut sektor yang menggunakannya

Karya tulis ini akan mencoba untuk menganalisis perkembangan perekonomian Jawa Tengah dari perubahan indikator ekonomi khususnya tenaga kerja. Proses analisis yang dilakukan berdasarkan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah dengan melihat dampak perubahan tenaga kerja yang terjadi terhadap perubahan permintaan akhir dari sisi ekspor sektoral provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Jenis data yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah data sekunder dari publikasi BPS yang terbaru. Sumber data dan variabel pengamatan dalam makalah ini adalah :
• Tabel Input Output Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2004.
• Indikator Ekonomi Jawa Tengah Bulan November 2008
Analisis Tabel Input Output
Dengan menggunakan tabel Input Output dan data tenaga kerja akan diperoleh model input output regional yang berguna untuk melihat keterkaitan antar sektor serta menjadi angka pengganda bagi perubahan output, pendapatan dan ketenaga-kerjaan.

Bagan Analisis Tabel Input Output

Matriks Pengganda
Merupakan penjelasan dari dampak yang terjadi terhadap variabel endogen akibat perubahan variabel eksogen. Matriks pengganda pada tabel Input Output digunakan untuk melakukan analisis dampak output, pendapatan, tenaga kerja dan keterkaitan. Perubahan permintaan output, pada awalnya akan berdampak pada jumlah input yang diperlukan yang selanjutnya akan menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan input. Proses ini berlangsung secara menyeluruh terhadap seluruh kegiatan ekonomi yang menghasilkan barang dan jasa yang digunakan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Untuk menghitung matriks pengganda, dilakukan beberapa hal antara lain :
• Menghitung koefisien input, yang dirumuskan :
Dimana, aij = koefisien input sektor ke “i” oleh sektor ke “j”.
xij = penggunaan input sektor ke “i” oleh sektor ke “j”
Xj = output sektor ke “j”
• Menghitung (I-Ad)
Setelah memperloleh matriks koefisien input (Ad), selanjutnya mengurangi matriks identitas (I) dengan matriks koefisien input (Ad).

Ilustrasi Matriks Identitas 3 Sektor
• Menghitung Matriks Pengganda
Matriks pengganda didefinisikan sebagai matriks kebalikan (inverse) dari (I-Ad).
B = (I-Ad)-1 ...(3.2)

Daya Penyebaran
Daya penyebaran merupakan suatu ukuran untuk melihat keterkaitan ke belakang dari sektor – sektor ekonomi di suatu wilayah (backward linkages). Pada tabel Input Output, hubungan antara output dan permintaan akhir dijabarkan sebagai
X = (I-Ad)-1. Fd dan jika diuraikan dalam matriks menjadi :

dimana bij = sel matriks kebalikan (I-Ad)-1 pada baris “i” dan kolom “j”
Xi = output sektor “i”
Fid = permintaan akhir sektor “i”
Dari persamaan 2.7, dapat dilihat bahwa perubahan tiap unit Fid akan menimbulkan dampak terhadap perubahan Xi sebesar bij sehingga dapat dirumuskan menjadi :
dimana rj = jumlah dampak akibat perubahan permintaan akhir sektor “j” terhadap output seluruh sektor ekonomi = jumlah daya penyebaran.
bij = dampak yang terjadi terhadap output sektor “i” akibat perubahan permintaan akhir sektor “j”.
Untuk membandingkan daya penyebaran antar sektor, dapat dilakukan dengan melihat indeks daya penyebaran sektor (αj).
Apabila nilai αj = 1, maka daya penyebaran sektor “j” sama dengan rata – rata daya penyebaran seluruh sektor ekonomi. Jika nilai αj > 1, menunjukkan daya penyebaran sektor “j” diatas rata – rata daya penyebaran seluruh sektor ekonomi. Sebaliknya jika nilai αj < si =" jumlah"> 1, menunjukkan derajat kepekaan sektor “i” diatas rata – rata derajat kepekaan seluruh sektor ekonomi. Sebaliknya jika nilai βi <> 1), mencapai 1,056. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap kenaikan satu unit output sektor komunikasi akan menyebabkan kenaikan output secara keseluruhan sektor lain dan sektor itu sendiri sebesar 1,056 unit uang. Sedangkan derajat kepekaan (β) sektor komunikasi (7n) mencapai 0,82. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan satu unit uang sektor komunikasi (7n) akan meningkatkan permintaan input tiap sektor termasuk sektor itu sendiri sebesar 0,82 unit uang. Dengan kata lain, untuk memenuhi permintaan tiap satu unit sektor komunikasi (7n), maka sektor lain termasuk sektor komunikasi (7n) akan meningkatkan produksi sebesar 0,82 unit uang.

Tabel 4.7
Indeks Daya Penyebaran dan Derajat Kepekaan Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Pengaruh Sektor Komunikasi
Dari sisi tenaga kerja, jumlah tenaga kerja pada sektor komunikasi (7n) di Jawa Tengah sebesar 711 ribu orang (tabel 4.8). Dengan jumlah tenaga kerja yang relatif tidak terlalu besar, namun sektor komunikasi (7n) mampu menghasilkan nilai tambah yang cukup besar, mencapai Rp 10,96 miliar. Hal ini menunjukkan dalam penciptaan nilai tambah, sektor komunikasi (7n) cukup efisien dan efektif.
Tabel 4.8
Tenaga Kerja per Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah Bulan Agustus 2008

Sumber : BPS Jawa Tengah, diolah

Berdasarkan nilai koefisien teknologi dari pengolahan tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah dapat diketahui bahwa untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dalam menghasilkan satu unit nilai tambah pada sektor komunikasi (7n) maka dibutuhkan 0,00133 output sektor pertanian (1n), 0,00075 output sektor pertambangan (2n); 0,197 output sektor industri pengolahan (3n); 0,00776 output sektor listrik, gas dan air (4n); 0,01575 output sektor bangunan (5n); 0,0977 output sektor PHR (6n); 0,0593 output sektor komunikasi (7n); 0,015 output sektor keuangan (8n) dan 0,037 output sektor jasa (9n) (table 4.9).
Tabel 4.9
Koefisien Teknologi Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Besarnya penambahan output sektor komunikasi (7n) terhadap sektor lain dapat dilihat melalui matriks Inverse Leontief atau matriks pengganda output. Peningkatan satu unit permintaan akhir pada sektor komunikasi (7n) akan menciptakan tambahan output terhadap sektor pertanian sebesar 0,051 unit uang, sektor pertambangan (0,079 unit uang), sektor industri pengolahan (0,338 unit uang), sektor listrik, gas dan air (0,0185 unit uang), sektor bangunan (0,0249 unit uang), sektor PHR (0,172 unit uang), sektor komunikasi (1,086 unit uang), sektor keuangan (0,024 unit uang) dan sektor jasa (0,045 unit uang) (table 4.10).

Tabel 4.10
Pengganda Output Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Hubungan antara nilai output suatu sektor dengan kesempatan kerja dapat diestimasi dan dihitung angka pengganda kesempatan kerja untuk setiap sektor (Miller dan Blair, 1985 ). Angka pengganda kesempatan kerja merupakan efek total dari perubahan lapangan pekerjaan akibat adanya satu unit uang perubahan permintaan akhir di suatu sektor.
Hasil pengolahan jumlah tenaga kerja dan tabel Input Output, dapat diketahui bahwa sektor komunikasi (7n) memiliki angka pengganda tenaga kerja terbesar (0,0686). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk setiap peningkatan 100 unit permintaan akhir di sektor pertanian, akan meningkatkan lapangan pekerjaan bagi 7 orang dalam perekonomian (tabel 4.11).
Nilai ekspor Jawa Tengah yang mencapai US$ 2,42 juta memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesempatan kerja di sektor komunikasi (7n) sebesar 4.611 orang tenaga kerja (table 4.12). Kondisi ini memberikan gambaran bahwa kinerja ekspor cukup memberikan peluang bagi penyerapan tenaga kerja, tidak hanya pada sektor komunikasi namun juga bagi sektor ekonomi lainnya.

Tabel 4.11
Pengganda Tenaga Kerja Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Data BPS dan Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah
Tabel 4.12. Dampak Tenaga Kerja Sektor Ekonomi Jawa Tengah

Sumber : Data BPS dan Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah 2004, diolah

Pertumbuhan sektor komunikasi, khususnya subsektor telekomunikasi di Jawa Tengah yang relatif cepat merupakan salah satu cerminan perekonomian daerah yang semakin meningkat dan dinamis.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis tabel input output, dapat diketahui bahwa perubahan kebutuhan (input) dan peningkatan output pada sektor komunikasi memberikan pengaruh positif bagi sektor ekonomi lain dan penyerapan tenaga kerja, dimana untuk dapat menghasilkan peningkatan output dibutuhkan investasi pada sektor ini.
Optimalisasi sektor komunikasi melalui peningkatan investasi khususnya dalam bentuk layanan dan infrastruktur kiranya sangat diperlukan, mengingat potensi ekonomi masyarakat yang semakin meningkat dan peranan sektor komunikasi dalam perekonomian yang secara riil tercermin pada penyerapan tenaga kerja.

Daftar Pustaka
Anonim, 2000, Kerangka Teoritis dan Analisis Tabel Input-Output, Biro Neraca Produksi dan Biro Neraca Konsumsi Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
Anonim, 2007, Proyeksi Perekonomian Regional Jawa Barat Tahun 2005-2025, Bappeda Provinsi Jawa Barat.
Firmansyah, 2006, Operasi Matrix dan Analisis Input-Output (I-O) Untuk Ekonomi: Aplikasi Praktis Dengan Microsoft Excel dan Matlab, Laboratorium Studi Kebijakan Ekonomi (LSKE), Fakultas Ekonomi UNDIP, Semarang.
Kuncoro. M., 2004, Modul Input Output,
Miller, R., dan Blair, P., 1985, Input Output Analysis : Foundations and Extentions, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Santoso. W., Efrizal, Widiatmaka. P., Wicaksono. H. Y., Setyawan. J., 2001, Model dan Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jatim,
Setiawan, I., 2008, Peranan Sektor Unggulan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Jawa Timur, Bali, Dan Nusa Tenggara Barat: Pendekatan Input-Output Multiregional, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar-Bali.
Suhendra. S., Sugiharto. T., Oswari. T., 2005, Peranan Sektor Pariwisata Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Makro Propinsi Bali Dengan Pendekatan Input-Output,
Suhendra. S., 2005, Peranan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Dengan Pendekatan Input-Output, Proceeding Seminar Nasional PESAT, Auditorium Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta.


Monday, March 09, 2009

How to Add RAM to Your Laptop

If you've ever switched from a desktop computer to a laptop, the experience can be liberating. While some might enjoy having a single space in which to work at a computer and organize files both physical and digital, a desktop can also keep you feeling anchored to the spot. It relies on electrical outlets 100 percent of the time, and carrying all of its bulky components from one place to the next isn't convenient, either.

Laptops, however, run on battery power, and, once sufficiently charged, can operate anywhere you carry them. They're small, thin and lightweight, so whether you want to lounge on the couch or work at the coffee shop, laptops are portable and easy tools to use.

But the only real difference between a laptop and a desktop, of course, is how they're put together. A laptop has all of the same hardware and accessories a desktop does, like a screen, a keyboard, a microprocessor, memory storage and a series of fans to cool the system down. Everything is just arranged differently since it needs to fit in a much smaller package. That means once you start building up more files, adding more pictures, uploading more music and using more programs simultaneously, you'll experience something many laptop computer users lament -- slow load times and sluggish performance.

­Typically, the culprit behind any performance issue is an insufficient amount of random access memory, or RAM. Although some owners cringe at the thought of adding more RAM because a laptop's layout isn't as straightforward as a desktop, sometimes adding or upgrading the RAM on your system is the easiest and cheapest solution to increasing your laptop's performance.

Once you've purchased the necessary RAM module, you're ready to add more memory to your computer. Before you start anything, make sure the laptop is completely turned off and unplugged from any power sources for the sake of safety. It's also recommended that you use an antistatic wrist strap while you're handling a RAM module.

Once everything is powered down, you'll need to find the memory compartment door. Different manufacturers put these slots in different places, but on most laptops, you'll find a small door on the underside of the machine. Using the appropriate screwdriver, open the door and take a look inside. There are typically two slots for RAM. If both slots are full, you'll have to remove one of the modules and replace it with a module with more memory to upgrade your laptop's RAM. You can remove a RAM module by pressing on the little ejector clips that hold the module in place. If one of the slots is empty, you can simply place the new module in the slot. Adding a module is fairly straightforward -- it should just slide into place and, once you give it a little push, it'll lock down with the help of the clips. Again, your experience may be different depending on the company that made your computer, so make sure to check your owner's manual or support Web site before you start opening your laptop's case.

Once you have everything back into place, replace the access door and turn on your computer. If everything goes well, your laptop should automatically recognize the extra memory. You'll find that your computer will boot much faster, run applications more smoothly and switch between programs with less lag time.

If you've ever switched from a desktop computer to a laptop, the experience can be liberating. While some might enjoy having a single space in which to work at a computer and organize files both physical and digital, a desktop can also keep you feeling anchored to the spot. It relies on electrical outlets 100 percent of the time, and carrying all of its bulky components from one place to the next isn't convenient, either.

Laptops, however, run on battery power, and, once sufficiently charged, can operate anywhere you carry them. They're small, thin and lightweight, so whether you want to lounge on the couch or work at the coffee shop, laptops are portable and easy tools to use.

But the only real difference between a laptop and a desktop, of course, is how they're put together. A laptop has all of the same hardware and accessories a desktop does, like a screen, a keyboard, a microprocessor, memory storage and a series of fans to cool the system down. Everything is just arranged differently since it needs to fit in a much smaller package. That means once you start building up more files, adding more pictures, uploading more music and using more programs simultaneously, you'll experience something many laptop computer users lament -- slow load times and sluggish performance.

­Typically, the culprit behind any performance issue is an insufficient amount of random access memory, or RAM. Although some owners cringe at the thought of adding more RAM because a laptop's layout isn't as straightforward as a desktop, sometimes adding or upgrading the RAM on your system is the easiest and cheapest solution to increasing your laptop's performance.

Once you've purchased the necessary RAM module, you're ready to add more memory to your computer. Before you start anything, make sure the laptop is completely turned off and unplugged from any power sources for the sake of safety. It's also recommended that you use an antistatic wrist strap while you're handling a RAM module.

Once everything is powered down, you'll need to find the memory compartment door. Different manufacturers put these slots in different places, but on most laptops, you'll find a small door on the underside of the machine. Using the appropriate screwdriver, open the door and take a look inside. There are typically two slots for RAM. If both slots are full, you'll have to remove one of the modules and replace it with a module with more memory to upgrade your laptop's RAM. You can remove a RAM module by pressing on the little ejector clips that hold the module in place. If one of the slots is empty, you can simply place the new module in the slot. Adding a module is fairly straightforward -- it should just slide into place and, once you give it a little push, it'll lock down with the help of the clips. Again, your experience may be different depending on the company that made your computer, so make sure to check your owner's manual or support Web site before you start opening your laptop's case.

Once you have everything back into place, replace the access door and turn on your computer. If everything goes well, your laptop should automatically recognize the extra memory. You'll find that your computer will boot much faster, run applications more smoothly and switch between programs with less lag time.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Right Way To Enjoy Movies And Video Game

The Right Way To Enjoy Movies And Video Games

There is only one way to play video games now days and that is playacting them on a HDTV. Whatever people have told you, what ever your friends, family, or co-workers have told you, HD is the only way to go. Ok you might just happen to be an individual that has never seen something in HD and that is alright, your not alone. Just about everyone in the United States has heard of HD but truly don't believe what it is.

A simplified way to explain it is that the resolution of the image is greatly improved. Improved? One may ask, well yes that is just it. So you should go out right now and see for your self. Now back to video games on a HDTV. For starters the image is much clearer. When it is not in HD the image has what looks like to be a fuzz effect going on with it. Now if you are one of those people that have never seen HD then you will not note it and would have to look for it. But if you do have a HDTV and play your video games on it normally you will in fact observe a fundamental difference the calibre of picture.

Not only that, if you were to play a video game that you play oft in HD and then switched it over to standard definition it would be enough to make your self displeased. Also it is a great excuse for you to go out and buy a HD DVD player. That way you can start buying HD movies and when you see an ad on TV about a flick and it says also comes in HD you can go out and buy it. The only down side to buying HD movies is the increase in cost of the movie. You can ordinarily get a normal DVD at around twenty dollars, for a HD film you will be spending up wards to around thirty dollars.

Although that might be a lot for just one picture, HD movies come with an extreme amount of volume compared to just a typical DVD. On every HD DVD there are just about all the extras for that movie that you possibly could want. If you need behind the scenes or interviews with the cast of the show they are all there. I have personally only seen a couple of HD DVDs my self one being Pirates of The Caribbean: At Worlds End which was a outstanding film, but I know for a fact that all HD DVDs have all of the content I have just said. It is kind of like a guarantee when buying a HD DVD player. Not only do you get an amazing improvement in the calibre of the picture but you get all of the in depth reporting of the picture it self. I would say to all gamers or film lovers that enjoys watching TV in general and is looking for a finer experience save yourself the anguish of standard definition and buy a HDTV.

The Right Way To Enjoy Movies And Video Games

There is only one way to play video games now days and that is playacting them on a HDTV. Whatever people have told you, what ever your friends, family, or co-workers have told you, HD is the only way to go. Ok you might just happen to be an individual that has never seen something in HD and that is alright, your not alone. Just about everyone in the United States has heard of HD but truly don't believe what it is.

A simplified way to explain it is that the resolution of the image is greatly improved. Improved? One may ask, well yes that is just it. So you should go out right now and see for your self. Now back to video games on a HDTV. For starters the image is much clearer. When it is not in HD the image has what looks like to be a fuzz effect going on with it. Now if you are one of those people that have never seen HD then you will not note it and would have to look for it. But if you do have a HDTV and play your video games on it normally you will in fact observe a fundamental difference the calibre of picture.

Not only that, if you were to play a video game that you play oft in HD and then switched it over to standard definition it would be enough to make your self displeased. Also it is a great excuse for you to go out and buy a HD DVD player. That way you can start buying HD movies and when you see an ad on TV about a flick and it says also comes in HD you can go out and buy it. The only down side to buying HD movies is the increase in cost of the movie. You can ordinarily get a normal DVD at around twenty dollars, for a HD film you will be spending up wards to around thirty dollars.

Although that might be a lot for just one picture, HD movies come with an extreme amount of volume compared to just a typical DVD. On every HD DVD there are just about all the extras for that movie that you possibly could want. If you need behind the scenes or interviews with the cast of the show they are all there. I have personally only seen a couple of HD DVDs my self one being Pirates of The Caribbean: At Worlds End which was a outstanding film, but I know for a fact that all HD DVDs have all of the content I have just said. It is kind of like a guarantee when buying a HD DVD player. Not only do you get an amazing improvement in the calibre of the picture but you get all of the in depth reporting of the picture it self. I would say to all gamers or film lovers that enjoys watching TV in general and is looking for a finer experience save yourself the anguish of standard definition and buy a HDTV.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

How to Choose Your First Digital Camera

How to Choose Your First Digital Camera

First time digital camera buyers have a maze of variables to face. While the cosmetic appearance of digital cameras may the least of your concerns, they are all sorts of colors, sizes and brands. You can choose from many different playbacks, resolutions, or zooming ability. It is really easy to get swamped by so many characteristics and gadgets. Advertising and promotion are not the same as good information. The goal of a good promotional campaign is to get you to buy your new digital camera from them. Our goal is to give you information.

Where do you go to find out what you need to know? Right here is a good start. First you have to ask yourself some questions. What do you really want your digital camera to do? You came here for answers and the first thing you do is run into a string of questions.

The same sort of frustrating questions the geeks ask when you walk into a computer store to buy a computer: What will you use this for? How often will you use it? How big do you want it? Are you an amateur or a professional?

Well, it should be fairly easy to tell that if you are still listening to the geek you are an amateur. So, think it through before you get there. The serious photographer needs a camera with more features and flexibility than the person who takes occasional family shots at the holidays. We suggest you start with three categories of questions about your personal needs and capability.

• What kinds of photos do you want to take with your very own digital camera? Just a few family snapshots? Detailed wildlife or flower close-ups? Each of these will help you determine which camera is right for you.

• How much can you really afford to spend on this camera? This is an essential question and needs to have a big role in helping you decide.

• What else will you need? And what will it cost? For example, can your printer and computer handle your digital photos? Do you already have software for editing photos? Or is it in the package you are buying now? What about paper? What kind is best? How much do you think you will need? Have you thought about how much ink it takes to print a photo? How often will you need to buy more? Can you afford it? Does your computer need more memory to handle image editing, storing and recovery?

After you have clarified what you want and need, take a close look at the various options and features of the digital camera before you go out to buy one.

Such as:
• Resolution
• Built-in memor.
• Battery life
• Appearance and comfort.
• Special features

Resolution. What is the capacity? Pixels are important. With more pixels you get better resolution, more clarity in your photo images. Higher resolution cameras allow you to make pictures that you can enlarge without loss of quality.

Battery life. Batteries are costly. Be aware that your digital camera can use up batteries fast. Find out if the batteries can be recharged. That can cut your costs. Be sure to pick up that AC adapter for your camera. That way you can use electricity rather than the battery when you upload or view pictures. Pay attention to the recommendations for proper storage of the camera and batteries so they can last longer.

Built-in memory. It is the memory cards that make it possible for digital cameras to store pictures. You want a camera that has a memory built-in and a place for adding memory cards to increase your memory capabilities. That will also make it convenient for you to change a full memory card while you are in the midst of taking pictures. Look for that memory card slot.

Appearance and comfort. You must feel comfortable using your digital camera. Test it and check if you are comfortable holding it and using it. Where are the buttons and how they are spaced? Does the viewfinder suit you? Can you find what you need easily?

LCD. That small screen located at the back of a digital camera is the LCD (liquid crystal display). It lets you preview pictures. How much power does it need? How big is it? Can you see it clearly?

Special features. Do you expect to zoom into photos? How hard is it to switch to a zoom mode? Choose optical zoom lenses. If you wear glasses you probably want an adjustment on camera's viewfinder (a diopter). How important is remote control for you? Or tripods? What other special features do you want or need?

Ratings and comparisons of different digital cameras and their features are fairly easy to find online. Check photo forums to find out what other people have to say about them. Thinking ahead will save you a lot of hassle when you select and buy your new digital camera.

How to Choose Your First Digital Camera

First time digital camera buyers have a maze of variables to face. While the cosmetic appearance of digital cameras may the least of your concerns, they are all sorts of colors, sizes and brands. You can choose from many different playbacks, resolutions, or zooming ability. It is really easy to get swamped by so many characteristics and gadgets. Advertising and promotion are not the same as good information. The goal of a good promotional campaign is to get you to buy your new digital camera from them. Our goal is to give you information.

Where do you go to find out what you need to know? Right here is a good start. First you have to ask yourself some questions. What do you really want your digital camera to do? You came here for answers and the first thing you do is run into a string of questions.

The same sort of frustrating questions the geeks ask when you walk into a computer store to buy a computer: What will you use this for? How often will you use it? How big do you want it? Are you an amateur or a professional?

Well, it should be fairly easy to tell that if you are still listening to the geek you are an amateur. So, think it through before you get there. The serious photographer needs a camera with more features and flexibility than the person who takes occasional family shots at the holidays. We suggest you start with three categories of questions about your personal needs and capability.

• What kinds of photos do you want to take with your very own digital camera? Just a few family snapshots? Detailed wildlife or flower close-ups? Each of these will help you determine which camera is right for you.

• How much can you really afford to spend on this camera? This is an essential question and needs to have a big role in helping you decide.

• What else will you need? And what will it cost? For example, can your printer and computer handle your digital photos? Do you already have software for editing photos? Or is it in the package you are buying now? What about paper? What kind is best? How much do you think you will need? Have you thought about how much ink it takes to print a photo? How often will you need to buy more? Can you afford it? Does your computer need more memory to handle image editing, storing and recovery?

After you have clarified what you want and need, take a close look at the various options and features of the digital camera before you go out to buy one.

Such as:
• Resolution
• Built-in memor.
• Battery life
• Appearance and comfort.
• Special features

Resolution. What is the capacity? Pixels are important. With more pixels you get better resolution, more clarity in your photo images. Higher resolution cameras allow you to make pictures that you can enlarge without loss of quality.

Battery life. Batteries are costly. Be aware that your digital camera can use up batteries fast. Find out if the batteries can be recharged. That can cut your costs. Be sure to pick up that AC adapter for your camera. That way you can use electricity rather than the battery when you upload or view pictures. Pay attention to the recommendations for proper storage of the camera and batteries so they can last longer.

Built-in memory. It is the memory cards that make it possible for digital cameras to store pictures. You want a camera that has a memory built-in and a place for adding memory cards to increase your memory capabilities. That will also make it convenient for you to change a full memory card while you are in the midst of taking pictures. Look for that memory card slot.

Appearance and comfort. You must feel comfortable using your digital camera. Test it and check if you are comfortable holding it and using it. Where are the buttons and how they are spaced? Does the viewfinder suit you? Can you find what you need easily?

LCD. That small screen located at the back of a digital camera is the LCD (liquid crystal display). It lets you preview pictures. How much power does it need? How big is it? Can you see it clearly?

Special features. Do you expect to zoom into photos? How hard is it to switch to a zoom mode? Choose optical zoom lenses. If you wear glasses you probably want an adjustment on camera's viewfinder (a diopter). How important is remote control for you? Or tripods? What other special features do you want or need?

Ratings and comparisons of different digital cameras and their features are fairly easy to find online. Check photo forums to find out what other people have to say about them. Thinking ahead will save you a lot of hassle when you select and buy your new digital camera.


How to Choose a Camcorder

How to Choose a Camcorder

When you go shopping for a new digital camcorder, you'll be presented with a endless number of specifications and features. Your challenge is to sort through all the specifications and figure out whether the camera will meet your specific needs. When reviewing the spec sheet for any new camcorder, pay special attention to these items:

1. CCDs: A 3-CCD (also called 3-chip) camcorder provides much better image quality but is also a lot more expensive. A 3-CCD camera is by no means mandatory, but it is nice to have.

2. Progressive scan: This is another feature that is nice but not absolutely mandatory.

Resolution: Some spec sheets list horizontal lines of resolution (for example, 525 lines); others list the number of pixels (for example, 690,000 pixels). Either way, more is better when it comes to resolution.

3. Optical zoom: Spec sheets usually list optical and digital zoom separately. Digital zoom numbers are usually high (200x, for example) and seem appealing. Ignore the big digital zoom number and focus (get it?) on the optical zoom factor (which describes how well the camera lens actually sees); the optical zoom factor should be in the 12x-25x range. Digital zoom just crops the picture captured by the CCD and then makes each remaining pixel bigger to fill the screen, resulting in greatly reduced image quality.

4. Tape format: MiniDV is the most common format.

5. Batteries: You should buy a camcorder that uses lithium ion batteries - they last longer and are easier to maintain than NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride) batteries.

6. Microphone connector: For the sake of sound quality, the camcorder should have some provisions for connecting an external microphone. Most camcorders have a standard mini-jack connector for an external mic, and some high-end camcorders have a 3-pin XLR connector. XLR connectors - also sometimes called balanced audio connectors - are used by many high-quality microphones and PA (public address) systems.

7. Manual controls: Virtually all modern camcorders offer automatic focus and exposure control, but sometimes manual control is preferable. Control rings around the lens are easier to use than tiny knobs or slider switches on the side of the camera - and you'll be familiar with them if you already know how to use 35mm film cameras.

8. Choose from different ones at

How to Choose a Camcorder

When you go shopping for a new digital camcorder, you'll be presented with a endless number of specifications and features. Your challenge is to sort through all the specifications and figure out whether the camera will meet your specific needs. When reviewing the spec sheet for any new camcorder, pay special attention to these items:

1. CCDs: A 3-CCD (also called 3-chip) camcorder provides much better image quality but is also a lot more expensive. A 3-CCD camera is by no means mandatory, but it is nice to have.

2. Progressive scan: This is another feature that is nice but not absolutely mandatory.

Resolution: Some spec sheets list horizontal lines of resolution (for example, 525 lines); others list the number of pixels (for example, 690,000 pixels). Either way, more is better when it comes to resolution.

3. Optical zoom: Spec sheets usually list optical and digital zoom separately. Digital zoom numbers are usually high (200x, for example) and seem appealing. Ignore the big digital zoom number and focus (get it?) on the optical zoom factor (which describes how well the camera lens actually sees); the optical zoom factor should be in the 12x-25x range. Digital zoom just crops the picture captured by the CCD and then makes each remaining pixel bigger to fill the screen, resulting in greatly reduced image quality.

4. Tape format: MiniDV is the most common format.

5. Batteries: You should buy a camcorder that uses lithium ion batteries - they last longer and are easier to maintain than NiMH (nickel-metal-hydride) batteries.

6. Microphone connector: For the sake of sound quality, the camcorder should have some provisions for connecting an external microphone. Most camcorders have a standard mini-jack connector for an external mic, and some high-end camcorders have a 3-pin XLR connector. XLR connectors - also sometimes called balanced audio connectors - are used by many high-quality microphones and PA (public address) systems.

7. Manual controls: Virtually all modern camcorders offer automatic focus and exposure control, but sometimes manual control is preferable. Control rings around the lens are easier to use than tiny knobs or slider switches on the side of the camera - and you'll be familiar with them if you already know how to use 35mm film cameras.

8. Choose from different ones at


Cell Phones for Children

Cell Phones for Children

There was a time that many parents balked at the idea of buying their child a cell phone. Fortunately, many now see that cell phones are the best way for your busy kids to contact you and for you to keep tabs on them. How do you choose which cell phone to buy them with all of the great options out there?

It is important that you do your research and think about the needs of your child as well as what you want out of the phone. All of the companies claim to have a superior product, but you should do a little digging in order to see beyond the hype. There are several brands to choose from. Some of the most popular include:

Firefly Phones
Kajeet Phones
LG Migo
Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone.

Firefly Phones

The Firefly cell phone is a great option. It is very simple to use because it actually doesn’t have a camera, MP3 player, or video. This phone doesn’t weigh very much as a direct result of losing those features. This will be a relief for many kids and parents as we are used to having to carry quite a bit for our busy lives.

The Firefly kid’s cell phone has a neat display screen that will show how much battery power is left as well as the signal strength that is available. For those parents who are worried about their children answering from unknown callers, phone number ID is displayed for incoming calls.

Your kids may not care so much about the actually functionality of the phone, but they’ll all want their Firefly mobile phone to look cool. There are some neat color skins that you can purchase for your kids to instantly change the look of their cell phone.

The Firefly kids cell phone is a wonderful option for you if you want to have a lot of control over the phone calls your children make and receive. There is no need to worry that your child will spend hours and hours talking on their phone. Parents can control who can call in. This function offers a great piece of mind.

Despite those great features, there are many people who will not be happy with the Firefly prepaid phone. It is missing many of the “cool” features your children have come to appreciate and enjoy. There is no way to organize the phone or send text messages.

Kajeet Phones

Another phone you may want to consider is from Kajeet phones. This phone is unique in that it was designed by parents and beta tested by kids.

Many parents who’ve tested this phone have been very impressed with all that it offers. It can be very dangerous to just give your child a regular cell phone. With regular phones they can call anyone and receive calls from anyone. Kajeet phones really helps to eliminate this problem.

With this phone you can set whom your kids can call. This is important if you don’t want them wasting away their minutes on calling friends for hours on end. Another neat feature is the ability to set the hours when your children can make phone calls.

There are some children who will try and sneak in calls here and there at school. With Kajeet phones you can allow them to call home and 911, but block all other calls during the school day.

Another great feature is that you can give your children a phone allowance. They may miss the ability to buy ringtones and other “fun” things. With Kajeet phone’s cell phone allowance they will have the ability to buy these things if you want them to. Once they’ve spent their allotment, they cannot spend any more money until you’re ready for them to.

Kajeet phones are neat because they’ve really listened to their target audience and their parents. Even a quick visit to their website show that they really do pay attention to what kids in this day and age need and want.

LG Migo Phone

The LG Migo phone is another option in the world of cell phones for kids. It is a bright green color that will immediately attract children who want a cool looking phone to impress their friends. This phone is geared towards a slightly younger audience, which is something to keep in mind.

The phone has five speed dial buttons that you can program. This is a great option for younger children who are unable to remember phone numbers.

LG Migo also has a Chaperone service that is ideal for parents. The system acts as a kind of GPS device. You set the boundaries that are ok for your child to be in. If they leave that area your phone will be notified with a text message. This is something to keep in mind for safe use of cell phones for children

Leapfrog’s TicTalk Phone

Another entry into the world of cell phones for children is Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone. The TicTalk phone is probably one of the most unique looking cell phones out there. It looks a bit like a stopwatch and is very durable. This is a good model for parents who are worried that their children will immediately break the phone. Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone should stand up to even the most active of children.

The TicTalk works by scrolling through numbers in a phonebook. There is no dialing involved for the child. This may or may not be easy to get used to, but can actually be quite convenient once they learn the ropes.

Parents set the actual phone up online. This is a great way to add convenience for those who prefer the simplicity of typing online.

Kids will want to scoop Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone up because it has games on it that are pre-installed by Leapfrog. The phone is overall more full featured than some other cell phones for kids that are available today.

How Should I Choose?

There are many different cell phones for children that are on the market today. It is up to you and your child to decide which features are the most valuable to you. Your first priority should be the safe use of cell phones for children. Then, pick the best option for your family.

Cell Phones for Children

There was a time that many parents balked at the idea of buying their child a cell phone. Fortunately, many now see that cell phones are the best way for your busy kids to contact you and for you to keep tabs on them. How do you choose which cell phone to buy them with all of the great options out there?

It is important that you do your research and think about the needs of your child as well as what you want out of the phone. All of the companies claim to have a superior product, but you should do a little digging in order to see beyond the hype. There are several brands to choose from. Some of the most popular include:

Firefly Phones
Kajeet Phones
LG Migo
Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone.

Firefly Phones

The Firefly cell phone is a great option. It is very simple to use because it actually doesn’t have a camera, MP3 player, or video. This phone doesn’t weigh very much as a direct result of losing those features. This will be a relief for many kids and parents as we are used to having to carry quite a bit for our busy lives.

The Firefly kid’s cell phone has a neat display screen that will show how much battery power is left as well as the signal strength that is available. For those parents who are worried about their children answering from unknown callers, phone number ID is displayed for incoming calls.

Your kids may not care so much about the actually functionality of the phone, but they’ll all want their Firefly mobile phone to look cool. There are some neat color skins that you can purchase for your kids to instantly change the look of their cell phone.

The Firefly kids cell phone is a wonderful option for you if you want to have a lot of control over the phone calls your children make and receive. There is no need to worry that your child will spend hours and hours talking on their phone. Parents can control who can call in. This function offers a great piece of mind.

Despite those great features, there are many people who will not be happy with the Firefly prepaid phone. It is missing many of the “cool” features your children have come to appreciate and enjoy. There is no way to organize the phone or send text messages.

Kajeet Phones

Another phone you may want to consider is from Kajeet phones. This phone is unique in that it was designed by parents and beta tested by kids.

Many parents who’ve tested this phone have been very impressed with all that it offers. It can be very dangerous to just give your child a regular cell phone. With regular phones they can call anyone and receive calls from anyone. Kajeet phones really helps to eliminate this problem.

With this phone you can set whom your kids can call. This is important if you don’t want them wasting away their minutes on calling friends for hours on end. Another neat feature is the ability to set the hours when your children can make phone calls.

There are some children who will try and sneak in calls here and there at school. With Kajeet phones you can allow them to call home and 911, but block all other calls during the school day.

Another great feature is that you can give your children a phone allowance. They may miss the ability to buy ringtones and other “fun” things. With Kajeet phone’s cell phone allowance they will have the ability to buy these things if you want them to. Once they’ve spent their allotment, they cannot spend any more money until you’re ready for them to.

Kajeet phones are neat because they’ve really listened to their target audience and their parents. Even a quick visit to their website show that they really do pay attention to what kids in this day and age need and want.

LG Migo Phone

The LG Migo phone is another option in the world of cell phones for kids. It is a bright green color that will immediately attract children who want a cool looking phone to impress their friends. This phone is geared towards a slightly younger audience, which is something to keep in mind.

The phone has five speed dial buttons that you can program. This is a great option for younger children who are unable to remember phone numbers.

LG Migo also has a Chaperone service that is ideal for parents. The system acts as a kind of GPS device. You set the boundaries that are ok for your child to be in. If they leave that area your phone will be notified with a text message. This is something to keep in mind for safe use of cell phones for children

Leapfrog’s TicTalk Phone

Another entry into the world of cell phones for children is Leapfrog’s Tic Talk phone. The TicTalk phone is probably one of the most unique looking cell phones out there. It looks a bit like a stopwatch and is very durable. This is a good model for parents who are worried that their children will immediately break the phone. Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone should stand up to even the most active of children.

The TicTalk works by scrolling through numbers in a phonebook. There is no dialing involved for the child. This may or may not be easy to get used to, but can actually be quite convenient once they learn the ropes.

Parents set the actual phone up online. This is a great way to add convenience for those who prefer the simplicity of typing online.

Kids will want to scoop Leapfrog’s TicTalk phone up because it has games on it that are pre-installed by Leapfrog. The phone is overall more full featured than some other cell phones for kids that are available today.

How Should I Choose?

There are many different cell phones for children that are on the market today. It is up to you and your child to decide which features are the most valuable to you. Your first priority should be the safe use of cell phones for children. Then, pick the best option for your family.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Everything You Need To Know Bout Game Boy

Everything You Need To Know Bout Game Boy

The Game Boy, a handheld game console was released by Nintendo in 1989. The most popular game as Tetris and that sold over three million copies in the US alone. In fact people bought Game Boy to play Tetris. Extremely successful Game Boy has advanced versions the Game Boy Color and the Game Boy Advance both of which have sold 75 million as of 2006.

The characteristics of Game Boy are:

• The handheld video game system has interchangeable cartridges.

• Game Boy has been a leader in the game industry for several years. The leadership was the result of a high quality product that had content especially created for it.

• The system has high tech liquid crystal display that lent great graphics in black and green. Took gaming to levels it had never seen before.

• Game Boy was the first to enable multi-player gaming. It had a port through which connections could be made.

• Players could enjoy the games in full stereo.

• The Game Boy used disposable AA batteries that allowed 35 hours of game play.

• The original Game Boy came in different colors: grey, black, green, red, yellow, and clear.

The classic Game Boy was followed by aversion known as Game Boy Pocket which had all the features but had a black and white display. This was followed by the Game Boy Color or GBC, this had a super processor, was backwards compatible, and had an infra red port that allowed wireless transfer between two systems. Then came the GBA or Game Boy Advance , a full twelve years after the gaming world was gifted the Game Boy Classic. The GBA wove the magic all over again. It had superb graphics, speed, and great quality. Everything a gamer wished for the GBA provided.

The GBA was succeeded by GBA SP and Game Boy Micro. The Micor is smaller than the I-Pod and is the smallest gaming system ever. The unit plays the full gamut of GBA games but is not backwards compatible.

Nintendo has kept a hand on the pulse of the gaming market and come out with winners each time. Gaming consoles that are the best and yet affordable. The company has a Game Boy website that provides answers to every Game Boy fans needs. From health and safety precautions to an online store the website fulfils every need.

The Game Boy is no ordinary gaming system to many it’s a family tradition.

Everything You Need To Know Bout Game Boy

The Game Boy, a handheld game console was released by Nintendo in 1989. The most popular game as Tetris and that sold over three million copies in the US alone. In fact people bought Game Boy to play Tetris. Extremely successful Game Boy has advanced versions the Game Boy Color and the Game Boy Advance both of which have sold 75 million as of 2006.

The characteristics of Game Boy are:

• The handheld video game system has interchangeable cartridges.

• Game Boy has been a leader in the game industry for several years. The leadership was the result of a high quality product that had content especially created for it.

• The system has high tech liquid crystal display that lent great graphics in black and green. Took gaming to levels it had never seen before.

• Game Boy was the first to enable multi-player gaming. It had a port through which connections could be made.

• Players could enjoy the games in full stereo.

• The Game Boy used disposable AA batteries that allowed 35 hours of game play.

• The original Game Boy came in different colors: grey, black, green, red, yellow, and clear.

The classic Game Boy was followed by aversion known as Game Boy Pocket which had all the features but had a black and white display. This was followed by the Game Boy Color or GBC, this had a super processor, was backwards compatible, and had an infra red port that allowed wireless transfer between two systems. Then came the GBA or Game Boy Advance , a full twelve years after the gaming world was gifted the Game Boy Classic. The GBA wove the magic all over again. It had superb graphics, speed, and great quality. Everything a gamer wished for the GBA provided.

The GBA was succeeded by GBA SP and Game Boy Micro. The Micor is smaller than the I-Pod and is the smallest gaming system ever. The unit plays the full gamut of GBA games but is not backwards compatible.

Nintendo has kept a hand on the pulse of the gaming market and come out with winners each time. Gaming consoles that are the best and yet affordable. The company has a Game Boy website that provides answers to every Game Boy fans needs. From health and safety precautions to an online store the website fulfils every need.

The Game Boy is no ordinary gaming system to many it’s a family tradition.


Upgrade Notebook / Laptop Memory (RAM) In 5 Minutes

Upgrade Notebook / Laptop Memory (RAM) In 5 Minutes

This article is set up in two parts, one part about RAM overview and a second part about RAM upgrade. If you are curious on how the RAM works, you will find a detail summary that should give you all the information that you need to know about RAM, organization and speed. If you just want to read the how to upgrade section, move on directly to part two Upgrade your laptop ram in 5 minutes or less.

1 – RAM Overview

There are two big categories of random access memories:

* Dynamic memories (DRAM, Dynamic Random Access Module), not very costly. They are in most cases used for the central memory of the computer

* Static memories (SRAM, Static Random Access Module), quick and expensive. SRAM is notably used for cache memories of the processor

Functioning of the random access memory

The random access memory is constituted of hundred of thousand small condensers storing charges. When it is loaded, the logical state of the condenser is equal to 1, otherwise it belongs to 0, what means that every condenser represents one bit of memory.

Given that condensers off-load, it is always necessary to recharge them in a space of regular time called cycle of refreshment. Memory DRAM requires cycles of refreshment for instance (Ns) is about 15 nanoseconds.

Every condenser is coupled with a transistor allowing to "recover « or to change the state of the condenser. These transistors are lined up in form of matrix, that is they achieve a hut memory (so called memory) by a line and a column.

So, for a memory of type DRAM, the time of access is of 60 nanoseconds (35ns of delay of cycle and 25 ns of time of latency). On a computer, the time of cycle corresponds contrary to the frequency of the clock, for instance for a computer pulsated in 200 MHz, the time of cycle is 5 ns (1 / (200*106)).

As a result a computer having a frequency well brought up and using memories the time of access of which is much longer than the time of cycle of the processor must perform cycles of wait to access to the memory. In the case of a computer pulsated in 200 MHz using memories of types DRAM (which the time of access is of 60ns), there are 11 cycles of wait as a cycle of transfer. The performances of the computer are of as much diminished as there are cycles

Formats of Random Access Memory (RAM)

There are numerous types of random access memories. These all come in the form of barrettes of memory attachable on the motherboard.

* SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module): it is about printed circuits among which one of the faces has fleas of memory. There are two types of barrettes SIMM, according to the number of connector cables (30 or 72)

* DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Modulates) are from memories 64 bits, what explains why it is not necessary to match them. Barrettes DIMM have fleas of memory on both sides of printed circuit and have also 84 connector cables on each side, what endows them with a total of 168 brooches. They have bigger dimensions than barrettes SIMM (130x25mm).

* RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module, conscripts also RD-RAM or DRD-RAM) are from memories 64 bits developed by the society Rambus. They have 184 brooches. These barrettes have two notches of location (détrompeurs), avoiding very risk of confusion with the previous modules. Considering their well brought up speed of transfer, barrettes RIMM have a thermal film made responsible for ameliorating the clearing up of warmth. As in the case of DIMM, there are modules of smaller size, called SO RIMM (Small Outline RIMM), intended for laptop computers. Barrettes SO RIMM include only 160 brooches.

* DRAM (Dynamic RAM, dynamic RAM) is the type of memo most spread at the beginning of the millennium. It is about a memory from which transistors are lined up in a matrix according to lines and of columns. A transistor, coupled with a condenser gives the information of a bit. 1 byte consisting of 8 bits, a barrette of memory 256 Mb DRAM will contain 256 therefore * 2^10 * 2^10 = 256 * on 1024 * on 1024 = 268 435 456 bytes = 268 435 456 * 8 = 2 147 483 648 bits = 2 147 483 648 transistors. A 256 Mb barrette has so in reality a capacity of 268 435 456 bytes, that is 268 Mb! These are memories from which the time of access is 60 ns. On the other hand, accesses memory are made in general on data lined up consecutively in memory. So the mode of access in gust (burst mode) allows to achieve the three successive data in the first one without time of additional latency.

* DRAM FPM to speed up accesses to DRAM, there is a technology, called pagination consisting in achieving data located on the same column by changing the address of the line only, what allows to avoid the repetition of the number of column between the reading of each of the lines. They speak then about DRAM FPM (Fast Page Mode). FPM allows to acquire time of access in the order of 70 - 80 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning that can go from 25 to 33 Mhz.

* DRAM EDO (Extended Data Out, Goes out of data ameliorated sometimes also called "hyper-page") appears in 1995. The technology used with this type of memory consists in addressing the following column during the reading of the data of a column. It creates an overlapping of accesses allowing to save time on every cycle. The time of access to memory EDO is therefore about 50 - 60 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning going 33 - 66 Mhz. So, RAM EDO, when it is used in mode gust allows to acquire cycles of form 5-2-2-2, that is a benefit of 4 cycles on the access to 4 data. As much as memory EDO did not accept the upper frequencies in 66 Mhz, it disappeared in aid of SDRAM.

* SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM, translate synchronous RAM), appeared in 1997, allows a reading of data synchronized with the bus of the card-mother, contrary to memories EDO and FPM (qualified as asynchronous) having their own clock. SDRAM allows therefore to free itself from time of wait owed to synchronization with the card-mother. This one allows to acquire a cycle in mode gust of form 5-1-1-1, that is to say benefit of 3 cycles in comparison with RAM EDO. In that way SDRAM is able of working with a cadenza going until 150 Mhz, allowing him to acquire from time of access about 10 ns.

* DR-SDRAM (Direct Rambus DRAM or else RDRAM) is a type of memory allowing to transfer data on a bus of 16 wide bits to a cadenza of 800Mhz, what confers on him a band passer-by of 1,6 Go / s. As SDRAM, this type of memory is synchronized with the clock of the bus to ameliorate exchanges of data.

* DDR-SDRAM (Double Dated Miss SDRAM) is a memory based on technology SDRAM, allowing to double the rate of transfer of SDRAM with equal frequency. Reading or writing of data in memory am accomplished on the basis of a clock. Standard memory DRAM uses a method conscript SDR (Single Data Fails) consisting in reading or writing data in every forehead going up. DDR allows to double the frequency of reading / writings, with a clock pulsated in the same frequency, by sending data in every forehead going up, as well as in every downward forehead. Memory DDR has in general a commercial appellation of type PCXXXX where "XXXX " represent the debit side in Mb / s.

* DDR2 (or DDR-II) allows to attain twice as well brought up debit sides as DDR with equal external frequency. They speak about QDR (Quadruple Dated Fail or quad-pumped) to indicate the method of reading and used writing. Memory DDR2 uses in effect two channels separated for reading and for writing, so it is able of sending or of accepting twice more data than DDR.

2 - Upgrading Your Laptop RAM

upgrading a notebook memory is a specific simple process pending that you have the right RAM and are somewhat delicate.

There are different types of RAM, and you must choose the one that is compatible with your notebook computer. Memory is also a fragile, so you need to be very cautious when installing it. You should ensure that the laptop is turned off and disconnected from any exterior power supply. No lights should be visible.

It is a lot easier to install RAM on a laptop versus a desktop PC. Access to the memory slots is via a panel generally located in the bottom of the laptop. Once you have opened this panel with a small screwdriver you can see the existing memory. you can check the exact type of memory that your Notebook currently uses, because it is usually shown on the front of the memory strips and will be evident when you open up the memory panel.

The memory strips are generally locked in with small clips on the ends of the strips. To take out existing memory, simply flip the clips and then remove the memory strips gently from their holding place. If you are simply adding memory, and there is space available, just add the new memory, gently pushing it in to ensure it is fully seated in the slots, and then push the clips to hold the new memory in place.

Once you have replaced or added your Notebook computer memory, replace the access panel, and then screw the panel back in place. Lastly, power up the notebook, When the PC starts up, it will count the memory and tell you how much RAM is loaded on your laptop.

As long as you have right memory, the whole operation should take less than 5 minutes, you can then enjoy your faster, less crash prone laptop.

Upgrade Notebook / Laptop Memory (RAM) In 5 Minutes

This article is set up in two parts, one part about RAM overview and a second part about RAM upgrade. If you are curious on how the RAM works, you will find a detail summary that should give you all the information that you need to know about RAM, organization and speed. If you just want to read the how to upgrade section, move on directly to part two Upgrade your laptop ram in 5 minutes or less.

1 – RAM Overview

There are two big categories of random access memories:

* Dynamic memories (DRAM, Dynamic Random Access Module), not very costly. They are in most cases used for the central memory of the computer

* Static memories (SRAM, Static Random Access Module), quick and expensive. SRAM is notably used for cache memories of the processor

Functioning of the random access memory

The random access memory is constituted of hundred of thousand small condensers storing charges. When it is loaded, the logical state of the condenser is equal to 1, otherwise it belongs to 0, what means that every condenser represents one bit of memory.

Given that condensers off-load, it is always necessary to recharge them in a space of regular time called cycle of refreshment. Memory DRAM requires cycles of refreshment for instance (Ns) is about 15 nanoseconds.

Every condenser is coupled with a transistor allowing to "recover « or to change the state of the condenser. These transistors are lined up in form of matrix, that is they achieve a hut memory (so called memory) by a line and a column.

So, for a memory of type DRAM, the time of access is of 60 nanoseconds (35ns of delay of cycle and 25 ns of time of latency). On a computer, the time of cycle corresponds contrary to the frequency of the clock, for instance for a computer pulsated in 200 MHz, the time of cycle is 5 ns (1 / (200*106)).

As a result a computer having a frequency well brought up and using memories the time of access of which is much longer than the time of cycle of the processor must perform cycles of wait to access to the memory. In the case of a computer pulsated in 200 MHz using memories of types DRAM (which the time of access is of 60ns), there are 11 cycles of wait as a cycle of transfer. The performances of the computer are of as much diminished as there are cycles

Formats of Random Access Memory (RAM)

There are numerous types of random access memories. These all come in the form of barrettes of memory attachable on the motherboard.

* SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module): it is about printed circuits among which one of the faces has fleas of memory. There are two types of barrettes SIMM, according to the number of connector cables (30 or 72)

* DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Modulates) are from memories 64 bits, what explains why it is not necessary to match them. Barrettes DIMM have fleas of memory on both sides of printed circuit and have also 84 connector cables on each side, what endows them with a total of 168 brooches. They have bigger dimensions than barrettes SIMM (130x25mm).

* RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module, conscripts also RD-RAM or DRD-RAM) are from memories 64 bits developed by the society Rambus. They have 184 brooches. These barrettes have two notches of location (détrompeurs), avoiding very risk of confusion with the previous modules. Considering their well brought up speed of transfer, barrettes RIMM have a thermal film made responsible for ameliorating the clearing up of warmth. As in the case of DIMM, there are modules of smaller size, called SO RIMM (Small Outline RIMM), intended for laptop computers. Barrettes SO RIMM include only 160 brooches.

* DRAM (Dynamic RAM, dynamic RAM) is the type of memo most spread at the beginning of the millennium. It is about a memory from which transistors are lined up in a matrix according to lines and of columns. A transistor, coupled with a condenser gives the information of a bit. 1 byte consisting of 8 bits, a barrette of memory 256 Mb DRAM will contain 256 therefore * 2^10 * 2^10 = 256 * on 1024 * on 1024 = 268 435 456 bytes = 268 435 456 * 8 = 2 147 483 648 bits = 2 147 483 648 transistors. A 256 Mb barrette has so in reality a capacity of 268 435 456 bytes, that is 268 Mb! These are memories from which the time of access is 60 ns. On the other hand, accesses memory are made in general on data lined up consecutively in memory. So the mode of access in gust (burst mode) allows to achieve the three successive data in the first one without time of additional latency.

* DRAM FPM to speed up accesses to DRAM, there is a technology, called pagination consisting in achieving data located on the same column by changing the address of the line only, what allows to avoid the repetition of the number of column between the reading of each of the lines. They speak then about DRAM FPM (Fast Page Mode). FPM allows to acquire time of access in the order of 70 - 80 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning that can go from 25 to 33 Mhz.

* DRAM EDO (Extended Data Out, Goes out of data ameliorated sometimes also called "hyper-page") appears in 1995. The technology used with this type of memory consists in addressing the following column during the reading of the data of a column. It creates an overlapping of accesses allowing to save time on every cycle. The time of access to memory EDO is therefore about 50 - 60 nanoseconds for a frequency of functioning going 33 - 66 Mhz. So, RAM EDO, when it is used in mode gust allows to acquire cycles of form 5-2-2-2, that is a benefit of 4 cycles on the access to 4 data. As much as memory EDO did not accept the upper frequencies in 66 Mhz, it disappeared in aid of SDRAM.

* SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM, translate synchronous RAM), appeared in 1997, allows a reading of data synchronized with the bus of the card-mother, contrary to memories EDO and FPM (qualified as asynchronous) having their own clock. SDRAM allows therefore to free itself from time of wait owed to synchronization with the card-mother. This one allows to acquire a cycle in mode gust of form 5-1-1-1, that is to say benefit of 3 cycles in comparison with RAM EDO. In that way SDRAM is able of working with a cadenza going until 150 Mhz, allowing him to acquire from time of access about 10 ns.

* DR-SDRAM (Direct Rambus DRAM or else RDRAM) is a type of memory allowing to transfer data on a bus of 16 wide bits to a cadenza of 800Mhz, what confers on him a band passer-by of 1,6 Go / s. As SDRAM, this type of memory is synchronized with the clock of the bus to ameliorate exchanges of data.

* DDR-SDRAM (Double Dated Miss SDRAM) is a memory based on technology SDRAM, allowing to double the rate of transfer of SDRAM with equal frequency. Reading or writing of data in memory am accomplished on the basis of a clock. Standard memory DRAM uses a method conscript SDR (Single Data Fails) consisting in reading or writing data in every forehead going up. DDR allows to double the frequency of reading / writings, with a clock pulsated in the same frequency, by sending data in every forehead going up, as well as in every downward forehead. Memory DDR has in general a commercial appellation of type PCXXXX where "XXXX " represent the debit side in Mb / s.

* DDR2 (or DDR-II) allows to attain twice as well brought up debit sides as DDR with equal external frequency. They speak about QDR (Quadruple Dated Fail or quad-pumped) to indicate the method of reading and used writing. Memory DDR2 uses in effect two channels separated for reading and for writing, so it is able of sending or of accepting twice more data than DDR.

2 - Upgrading Your Laptop RAM

upgrading a notebook memory is a specific simple process pending that you have the right RAM and are somewhat delicate.

There are different types of RAM, and you must choose the one that is compatible with your notebook computer. Memory is also a fragile, so you need to be very cautious when installing it. You should ensure that the laptop is turned off and disconnected from any exterior power supply. No lights should be visible.

It is a lot easier to install RAM on a laptop versus a desktop PC. Access to the memory slots is via a panel generally located in the bottom of the laptop. Once you have opened this panel with a small screwdriver you can see the existing memory. you can check the exact type of memory that your Notebook currently uses, because it is usually shown on the front of the memory strips and will be evident when you open up the memory panel.

The memory strips are generally locked in with small clips on the ends of the strips. To take out existing memory, simply flip the clips and then remove the memory strips gently from their holding place. If you are simply adding memory, and there is space available, just add the new memory, gently pushing it in to ensure it is fully seated in the slots, and then push the clips to hold the new memory in place.

Once you have replaced or added your Notebook computer memory, replace the access panel, and then screw the panel back in place. Lastly, power up the notebook, When the PC starts up, it will count the memory and tell you how much RAM is loaded on your laptop.

As long as you have right memory, the whole operation should take less than 5 minutes, you can then enjoy your faster, less crash prone laptop.


Choosing The Right Tablet

Choosing The Right Tablet

There you are: you have finally decided to purchase a graphics tablet. Whatever your reasons may be for purchasing one, you are now faced with a very major decision: amongst all the numerous graphics tablets out there, which one would best suit your needs and your budget ?

Wacom is without any doubt, a genius when it comes to graphics tablet (also known as pen tablet) technology and is continually improving their products. Due to these frequent upgrades, this article will only touch the following Wacom models: Bamboo, Bamboo Fun (a successor and an improved model over the Graphire series), Intuos3 (the 3rd generation of Intuos) and Cintiq.

The basics

All Wacom graphics tablets are easy to install and use, thanks to Wacom’s Plug & Play technology. Every Wacom tablet is compatible with Macintosh and Windows, supports widescreen format, offers application and tool settings, provides a comfortable design and comes equipped with a detachable USB cable, and a programmable, cordless and battery free ergonomic pen. Therefore, your decision will be based on the main differences between these major models. Those include: pressure sensitivity, resolution and size.

• Pressure sensitivity of the pen tip and its eraser( when present) is measured in levels: 512 levels for the Bamboo line and 1024 levels, the highest thus far, for the Intuos3 and Cintiq models.

• Resolution, measured in lines per square inch, is marked at 2,540 for the Bamboo series and 5,080 for the Intuos3 and Cintiq models. Based on these two differences alone, if one needs or desires more precision and sharper results, the Intuos3 or the Cintiq are by far the better choices.

• Size relates to the active area of the graphics tablet, which is the drawing/writing area and not the actual size of the tablet. If space is really a tight issue, make sure you take into consideration the actual dimensions of the graphics tablet. Since the active area of a tablet matches your computer screen no matter what size it is, don’t let a smaller sized Wacom tablet fool you: the smaller sizes offer just as many features as the larger ones. Size becomes a concern when considering desk space, laptop use, portability, and user preferances. Bamboo, Bamboo Fun Small and Medium, Intuos3 4x6 and 6x8 are all wonderful options for small working environments.

Bringing pen to tablet: beginners

Let’s start by comparing the three Bamboo models.

• Bamboo standard (4x6 approx.) with its sleek black piano finish, is a wonderful improvement over the past Wacom models. It is perfect for any office, be it at home or at work and a perfect travelling companion. Specified mostly for office work rather than artistic tasks, it performs very well by working with your computer’s existing software for marking up documents, jotting down notes and writing your signature. So if you do not need any extra art related software, and the budget is as tight as your desk space, this is the perfect graphics tablet for you.

(Bamboo standard is the only Wacom tablet, of the newer models, which does not come with a matching mouse, or any software. The accompanying Bamboo pen does not have an eraser which could prove to be inconvenient.)

• Bamboo Fun (Small) (4x6 approx.) is terrific for children and beginners with creative minds. With four colors to choose from, (Blue, White, Black and Silver) you can personalize any office, home or at work, with your preferred color. However, despite the great Wacom quality and advantages, the active area might prove to be too small for elaborate projects.

• Bamboo Fun (Medium) (5x9 approx.) which also comes in the same 4 different colors as the Small version, is ideal for beginners and excellent for young students, digital photographers and more creative users. The new possibilities range from personalizing your work with your signature or other creations to touching-up photos.

Bringing pen to tablet: intermediate

The Intuos3 line, in its cool charcoal gray color and with an extra year warranty, replaces the Bamboo’s Touch Ring (at the top of the tablet) with a Touch Strip (at the side of the tablet for scrolling). The position of the ExpressKeys (for shortcuts) has also changed from the top (on the Bamboo) to the side (on the Intuos3). The Intuos3 also adds tilt control to the mix, an added bonus for any serious user. It even offers more pen tips for different writing and drawing results with the one accompanying cushioned Grip Pen which provides extra comfort and reduces tension. Extra accessories are available for the Intuos3 such as an array of different pen types ranging from the classic pen for a more natural, day-to-day work and feel to the sophisticated airbrush for unbelievably realistic paintings and other art designs. The whole Intuos3 series is specially designed for wide screens and multiple monitor work stations. If you are a serious graphic artist or you spend long hours using artistic software, an Intuos3 is certainly a worthwhile investment, and most graphics professionals would call it an essential tool. That said, there are still 6 different sizes to chose from !

• Intuos3 4x6 is easily portable with more features than the Bamboo series and perfect for small desk spaces yet affordable. However, this graphics tablet is not recommended for left-handed users because the single set of ExpressKeys and Touch Strip is on the left side of the drawing tablet. (All the other Intuos3 sizes have dual ExpressKeys and a Touch Strip on both the left and right sides of the tablet.)

• Intuos3 6x8 benefits more professional work yet is still an excellent size for cramped spaces and is a perfect travelling companion for the laptop and ideal for serious students on the go.

• Intuos3 6x11 targets the CAD users, and technical illustrators which may desire a larger surface area and artists who are used to drawing or painting with large sweeping motions. It is also optimized for work in single screen or for multiple monitor work stations and is ideal for editing HDTV videos. Remember, the larger your tablet surface, the more you will need to move your arms which may be viewed as a disadvantage to some users.

• Intuos3 9x12 greatly assists professional photo-retouching artists, illustrators and industrial designers with challenging endeavours, allowing for wider sweeping strokes.

• Intuos3 12x12, the only square tablet, caters to professionals with elaborate artistic ideas and highly detailed expectations like professional technicians and designers in any industry including automobile, textile and fashion.

• Intuos3 12x19 targets sophisticated and high-performance work involving precision and accurate results like professional digital imagery, audio-visual technicians, graphic artists, and architects. It offers optimal use of wide screen and double monitors and is excellent for creating HDTV videos.

Bringing pen to screen: intermediate and professional

Cintiq is the combination of the Intuos3 technology with an LCD monitor. The result: a state of the art monitor that allows you to write or draw directly on the screen with unparalleled accuracy! The fact that it is detachable and totally adjustable to any angle and for any purpose (on your desk or on your knees) makes it the holy grail of the Wacom graphics tablets and obviously, the most expensive. The Cintiq series (which comes with an Intuos3 Grip Pen for optimal comfort and fatigue prevention) will greatly improve workflow and efficiency while providing spectacular, detailed results in any professional field ranging from industrial designers, audio-editors and animators to doctors, educators and story-board creators requiring faster visual effects. This interactive pen display, with leading edge technology, literally becomes your canvas or your easel.

Yet again, there are 3 Cintiq’s to choose from. Size is measured diagonally, from the smaller 12.1”, and mid size 20.1” to the large 21.3”. The native resolution and the total number of pixels (1.0, 1.8 and 1.9 million pixels respectively) are what set them apart the most.

• Cintiq 12WX (1280x800 native resolution) is very light (4.4lbs) and portable thanks to an extra cable and a convertor box to keep it small and lightweight. It’s half the price of the other Cintiq models. However, due to its small size, you may want to add this to a multi-monitor set-up. If you are a very serious artist or technical designer, it is recommended that you save for the next model up.

• Cintiq 20WSX (1680x1050 native res.) is every professional’s dream. This 20 lb unit is the preferred choice by many due to its price and size. Less costly than its larger brother, it basically offers the same features.

• Cintiq 21UX (1600x1200 native res.) is the top of the line for pixel perfect results. Weighing in at 22.4 lbs, it’s the only Cintiq with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (standard resolution). All the others have 16:10. See it in action by going to and searching for Cintiq … it is absolutely incredible !

When trying to choose between all of these great Wacom contenders, wallet and desk size will always be an issue. Everyday users for home and basic office duties will delight in Bamboo, Bamboo Fun and Intuos3 4x6. Professionals at home or at the office in all fields will require and thoroughly enjoy Intuos3 6x8 and up. (Academic specials for students and schools do exist for the Bamboo and the Intuos3.) Serious illustrators, educators, technical designers and artists demanding elaborate detail and high pixel perfection will absolutely love the freedom, comfort, efficiency and convenience of drawing directly on the screen … and for many users - that is priceless.

Choosing The Right Tablet

There you are: you have finally decided to purchase a graphics tablet. Whatever your reasons may be for purchasing one, you are now faced with a very major decision: amongst all the numerous graphics tablets out there, which one would best suit your needs and your budget ?

Wacom is without any doubt, a genius when it comes to graphics tablet (also known as pen tablet) technology and is continually improving their products. Due to these frequent upgrades, this article will only touch the following Wacom models: Bamboo, Bamboo Fun (a successor and an improved model over the Graphire series), Intuos3 (the 3rd generation of Intuos) and Cintiq.

The basics

All Wacom graphics tablets are easy to install and use, thanks to Wacom’s Plug & Play technology. Every Wacom tablet is compatible with Macintosh and Windows, supports widescreen format, offers application and tool settings, provides a comfortable design and comes equipped with a detachable USB cable, and a programmable, cordless and battery free ergonomic pen. Therefore, your decision will be based on the main differences between these major models. Those include: pressure sensitivity, resolution and size.

• Pressure sensitivity of the pen tip and its eraser( when present) is measured in levels: 512 levels for the Bamboo line and 1024 levels, the highest thus far, for the Intuos3 and Cintiq models.

• Resolution, measured in lines per square inch, is marked at 2,540 for the Bamboo series and 5,080 for the Intuos3 and Cintiq models. Based on these two differences alone, if one needs or desires more precision and sharper results, the Intuos3 or the Cintiq are by far the better choices.

• Size relates to the active area of the graphics tablet, which is the drawing/writing area and not the actual size of the tablet. If space is really a tight issue, make sure you take into consideration the actual dimensions of the graphics tablet. Since the active area of a tablet matches your computer screen no matter what size it is, don’t let a smaller sized Wacom tablet fool you: the smaller sizes offer just as many features as the larger ones. Size becomes a concern when considering desk space, laptop use, portability, and user preferances. Bamboo, Bamboo Fun Small and Medium, Intuos3 4x6 and 6x8 are all wonderful options for small working environments.

Bringing pen to tablet: beginners

Let’s start by comparing the three Bamboo models.

• Bamboo standard (4x6 approx.) with its sleek black piano finish, is a wonderful improvement over the past Wacom models. It is perfect for any office, be it at home or at work and a perfect travelling companion. Specified mostly for office work rather than artistic tasks, it performs very well by working with your computer’s existing software for marking up documents, jotting down notes and writing your signature. So if you do not need any extra art related software, and the budget is as tight as your desk space, this is the perfect graphics tablet for you.

(Bamboo standard is the only Wacom tablet, of the newer models, which does not come with a matching mouse, or any software. The accompanying Bamboo pen does not have an eraser which could prove to be inconvenient.)

• Bamboo Fun (Small) (4x6 approx.) is terrific for children and beginners with creative minds. With four colors to choose from, (Blue, White, Black and Silver) you can personalize any office, home or at work, with your preferred color. However, despite the great Wacom quality and advantages, the active area might prove to be too small for elaborate projects.

• Bamboo Fun (Medium) (5x9 approx.) which also comes in the same 4 different colors as the Small version, is ideal for beginners and excellent for young students, digital photographers and more creative users. The new possibilities range from personalizing your work with your signature or other creations to touching-up photos.

Bringing pen to tablet: intermediate

The Intuos3 line, in its cool charcoal gray color and with an extra year warranty, replaces the Bamboo’s Touch Ring (at the top of the tablet) with a Touch Strip (at the side of the tablet for scrolling). The position of the ExpressKeys (for shortcuts) has also changed from the top (on the Bamboo) to the side (on the Intuos3). The Intuos3 also adds tilt control to the mix, an added bonus for any serious user. It even offers more pen tips for different writing and drawing results with the one accompanying cushioned Grip Pen which provides extra comfort and reduces tension. Extra accessories are available for the Intuos3 such as an array of different pen types ranging from the classic pen for a more natural, day-to-day work and feel to the sophisticated airbrush for unbelievably realistic paintings and other art designs. The whole Intuos3 series is specially designed for wide screens and multiple monitor work stations. If you are a serious graphic artist or you spend long hours using artistic software, an Intuos3 is certainly a worthwhile investment, and most graphics professionals would call it an essential tool. That said, there are still 6 different sizes to chose from !

• Intuos3 4x6 is easily portable with more features than the Bamboo series and perfect for small desk spaces yet affordable. However, this graphics tablet is not recommended for left-handed users because the single set of ExpressKeys and Touch Strip is on the left side of the drawing tablet. (All the other Intuos3 sizes have dual ExpressKeys and a Touch Strip on both the left and right sides of the tablet.)

• Intuos3 6x8 benefits more professional work yet is still an excellent size for cramped spaces and is a perfect travelling companion for the laptop and ideal for serious students on the go.

• Intuos3 6x11 targets the CAD users, and technical illustrators which may desire a larger surface area and artists who are used to drawing or painting with large sweeping motions. It is also optimized for work in single screen or for multiple monitor work stations and is ideal for editing HDTV videos. Remember, the larger your tablet surface, the more you will need to move your arms which may be viewed as a disadvantage to some users.

• Intuos3 9x12 greatly assists professional photo-retouching artists, illustrators and industrial designers with challenging endeavours, allowing for wider sweeping strokes.

• Intuos3 12x12, the only square tablet, caters to professionals with elaborate artistic ideas and highly detailed expectations like professional technicians and designers in any industry including automobile, textile and fashion.

• Intuos3 12x19 targets sophisticated and high-performance work involving precision and accurate results like professional digital imagery, audio-visual technicians, graphic artists, and architects. It offers optimal use of wide screen and double monitors and is excellent for creating HDTV videos.

Bringing pen to screen: intermediate and professional

Cintiq is the combination of the Intuos3 technology with an LCD monitor. The result: a state of the art monitor that allows you to write or draw directly on the screen with unparalleled accuracy! The fact that it is detachable and totally adjustable to any angle and for any purpose (on your desk or on your knees) makes it the holy grail of the Wacom graphics tablets and obviously, the most expensive. The Cintiq series (which comes with an Intuos3 Grip Pen for optimal comfort and fatigue prevention) will greatly improve workflow and efficiency while providing spectacular, detailed results in any professional field ranging from industrial designers, audio-editors and animators to doctors, educators and story-board creators requiring faster visual effects. This interactive pen display, with leading edge technology, literally becomes your canvas or your easel.

Yet again, there are 3 Cintiq’s to choose from. Size is measured diagonally, from the smaller 12.1”, and mid size 20.1” to the large 21.3”. The native resolution and the total number of pixels (1.0, 1.8 and 1.9 million pixels respectively) are what set them apart the most.

• Cintiq 12WX (1280x800 native resolution) is very light (4.4lbs) and portable thanks to an extra cable and a convertor box to keep it small and lightweight. It’s half the price of the other Cintiq models. However, due to its small size, you may want to add this to a multi-monitor set-up. If you are a very serious artist or technical designer, it is recommended that you save for the next model up.

• Cintiq 20WSX (1680x1050 native res.) is every professional’s dream. This 20 lb unit is the preferred choice by many due to its price and size. Less costly than its larger brother, it basically offers the same features.

• Cintiq 21UX (1600x1200 native res.) is the top of the line for pixel perfect results. Weighing in at 22.4 lbs, it’s the only Cintiq with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (standard resolution). All the others have 16:10. See it in action by going to and searching for Cintiq … it is absolutely incredible !

When trying to choose between all of these great Wacom contenders, wallet and desk size will always be an issue. Everyday users for home and basic office duties will delight in Bamboo, Bamboo Fun and Intuos3 4x6. Professionals at home or at the office in all fields will require and thoroughly enjoy Intuos3 6x8 and up. (Academic specials for students and schools do exist for the Bamboo and the Intuos3.) Serious illustrators, educators, technical designers and artists demanding elaborate detail and high pixel perfection will absolutely love the freedom, comfort, efficiency and convenience of drawing directly on the screen … and for many users - that is priceless.


Perfume for Phone cell

Just when you thought there can be nothing more that can be added into a cell phone, Hyundai comes out with the MP 280 - the perfume phone. It has changeable cover panels (which come in different colors) ; the emphasis in this phone is of course on being attractive to users.

The best part about this clamshell is that one can add a perfume to it so that each time you open the phone to make or recieve a call, the scent is released. Also its not a one time scent, but its possible to refill the perfume once the effect starts to decrease. The phone comes along with a syringe which you can fill with your favorite perfume. Notice the butterfly at the centre of the device, this is where you "inject" the perfume into the handset. About 2 drops of the concentrate are enough to last about 8 hours. The butterfly phone as it is called due to the butterfly in the centre which releases the scent, is expected to generate a lot of publicity for Hyundai in the over crowded mobile phone market.

The phone will go on sale in China for about 9900 yuan (without any plans) thats around 1,225.03 USD. The Hyundai MP280 decidedly targets the females and hopes to achieve a solid foothold in the industry for Hyundai.

Source: Eprice (Chinese)

With the perfumed mobile phones in, one can expect much more exciting things coming up from the cell phone industry. If you are making your cell phones plans, you will need to weigh a lot many options first. An easy check can be made from t mobile phone company. For your cell phone plans, you will definitely not go without a cell phone gps used for tracking the caller. The phones with cams are getting better options with digital cameras on the rise. For special occasions, digital video cameras work the best

Just when you thought there can be nothing more that can be added into a cell phone, Hyundai comes out with the MP 280 - the perfume phone. It has changeable cover panels (which come in different colors) ; the emphasis in this phone is of course on being attractive to users.

The best part about this clamshell is that one can add a perfume to it so that each time you open the phone to make or recieve a call, the scent is released. Also its not a one time scent, but its possible to refill the perfume once the effect starts to decrease. The phone comes along with a syringe which you can fill with your favorite perfume. Notice the butterfly at the centre of the device, this is where you "inject" the perfume into the handset. About 2 drops of the concentrate are enough to last about 8 hours. The butterfly phone as it is called due to the butterfly in the centre which releases the scent, is expected to generate a lot of publicity for Hyundai in the over crowded mobile phone market.

The phone will go on sale in China for about 9900 yuan (without any plans) thats around 1,225.03 USD. The Hyundai MP280 decidedly targets the females and hopes to achieve a solid foothold in the industry for Hyundai.

Source: Eprice (Chinese)

With the perfumed mobile phones in, one can expect much more exciting things coming up from the cell phone industry. If you are making your cell phones plans, you will need to weigh a lot many options first. An easy check can be made from t mobile phone company. For your cell phone plans, you will definitely not go without a cell phone gps used for tracking the caller. The phones with cams are getting better options with digital cameras on the rise. For special occasions, digital video cameras work the best


Magazines For Kids - A New Generation

Magazines For Kids - A New Generation

The choices for children's magazines have grown exponentially in recent years. No longer are you limited to a handful of titles, as was the case thirty years ago - there are literally dozens of quality kids' magazines to keep your young readers entertained and coming back for more. No matter what your child's area of interest, there is bound to be something to suit his needs perfectly.
Anybody who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s will probably remember the old standby children’s magazine, Highlights for Children. For me, it was the only thing I liked about going to the dentist. My mother was a stickler for healthy teeth, and dragged all five of us every six months in to see our dentist for our biannual checkup. The waiting room was standard fare for the time - a pot of coffee hissing and steaming in one corner, a row of chairs lining each wall, and in the corner an end table cluttered with a pile of assorted magazines to help pass the time until your name was called. Always somewhere in that pile was at least one copy of Highlights magazine, filled with enough stories and puzzles to keep my mind off the possibility of impending doom in the dentist’s chair.

Today, the choices for children’s magazines have grown exponentially. No longer are you limited to a handful of titles, as was the case thirty years ago - there are literally dozens of quality kids’ magazines to keep your young readers entertained and coming back for more. No matter what your child’s area of interest, there is bound to be something to suit his needs perfectly.

For animal lovers, you can’t go wrong with Zoobooks or Ranger Rick - both are long-time favorites that help kids sharpen their reading skills and develop a deeper appreciation for our natural world. For the younger set, there’s Zootles for 2 to 6 year olds, which includes a featured animal, number, and sound in each issue, and Your Big Backyard, for ages 3 to 7, which draws preschoolers closer to nature and gets them ready to read. Youngsters will enjoy the seasonal crafts, simple cooking recipes, fun games, and more.

Along those same lines, there are a number of science magazines to engage young readers with their dramatic color photography and informative kid-friendly text. In Kids Discover, each issue investigates a single high-interest topic in science or social studies, engaging its readers with compelling content. There’s Muse, a science and discovery magazine for children ages 10 and up from the publishers of Smithsonian, as well as Odyssey, a physical and space science magazine written in language that kids between the ages of 10 and 15 can understand and enjoy. The younger set will enjoy Click, an educational, skill-building publication for ages 3 to 7 that is colorful and easy to read, making science accessible to even young children.

Perhaps the most popular and quality-driven of the children’s magazines today are the Cricklet line of magazines, a literature-oriented series filled with wonderful illustrations. They contain no outside advertising and are available for every age group. The series begins with BabyBug for ages 6 months to 2 years, followed by Ladybug for 2 to 6 year olds, Spider for 6 to 9 year olds, Cricket for 9 to 14 year olds, and Cicada for ages 14 and up.

If you’re just looking for something to keep your kids entertained on a rainy day or on short car trips around town, there are plenty more to choose from besides the more educational titles mentioned above. MAD Kids is all about fun, with jokes, puzzles, cartoons, dumb interviews, and much more. Nickelodeon magazine is the award-winning magazine from the number one network for kids. It keeps kids of all ages entertained for hours with celebrity interviews, comics, pull-outs, puzzles and more. Its sister magazine, Nickelodeon Fun Puzzles & Games, is filled w/full-color, fun puzzles like word searches, mazes & easy crosswords, plus riddles and pictures to draw, featuring favorite Nickelodeon characters.

With children’s magazines, the possibilities are endless. They make perfect gifts, and while they may not be the most exciting gift to open at the birthday party, the joy on a child’s face every month when he receives his very own magazine delivered right to his mailbox is priceless. With the wide variety of titles available for children, there is bound to be something for every child in your life.

Magazines For Kids - A New Generation

The choices for children's magazines have grown exponentially in recent years. No longer are you limited to a handful of titles, as was the case thirty years ago - there are literally dozens of quality kids' magazines to keep your young readers entertained and coming back for more. No matter what your child's area of interest, there is bound to be something to suit his needs perfectly.
Anybody who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s will probably remember the old standby children’s magazine, Highlights for Children. For me, it was the only thing I liked about going to the dentist. My mother was a stickler for healthy teeth, and dragged all five of us every six months in to see our dentist for our biannual checkup. The waiting room was standard fare for the time - a pot of coffee hissing and steaming in one corner, a row of chairs lining each wall, and in the corner an end table cluttered with a pile of assorted magazines to help pass the time until your name was called. Always somewhere in that pile was at least one copy of Highlights magazine, filled with enough stories and puzzles to keep my mind off the possibility of impending doom in the dentist’s chair.

Today, the choices for children’s magazines have grown exponentially. No longer are you limited to a handful of titles, as was the case thirty years ago - there are literally dozens of quality kids’ magazines to keep your young readers entertained and coming back for more. No matter what your child’s area of interest, there is bound to be something to suit his needs perfectly.

For animal lovers, you can’t go wrong with Zoobooks or Ranger Rick - both are long-time favorites that help kids sharpen their reading skills and develop a deeper appreciation for our natural world. For the younger set, there’s Zootles for 2 to 6 year olds, which includes a featured animal, number, and sound in each issue, and Your Big Backyard, for ages 3 to 7, which draws preschoolers closer to nature and gets them ready to read. Youngsters will enjoy the seasonal crafts, simple cooking recipes, fun games, and more.

Along those same lines, there are a number of science magazines to engage young readers with their dramatic color photography and informative kid-friendly text. In Kids Discover, each issue investigates a single high-interest topic in science or social studies, engaging its readers with compelling content. There’s Muse, a science and discovery magazine for children ages 10 and up from the publishers of Smithsonian, as well as Odyssey, a physical and space science magazine written in language that kids between the ages of 10 and 15 can understand and enjoy. The younger set will enjoy Click, an educational, skill-building publication for ages 3 to 7 that is colorful and easy to read, making science accessible to even young children.

Perhaps the most popular and quality-driven of the children’s magazines today are the Cricklet line of magazines, a literature-oriented series filled with wonderful illustrations. They contain no outside advertising and are available for every age group. The series begins with BabyBug for ages 6 months to 2 years, followed by Ladybug for 2 to 6 year olds, Spider for 6 to 9 year olds, Cricket for 9 to 14 year olds, and Cicada for ages 14 and up.

If you’re just looking for something to keep your kids entertained on a rainy day or on short car trips around town, there are plenty more to choose from besides the more educational titles mentioned above. MAD Kids is all about fun, with jokes, puzzles, cartoons, dumb interviews, and much more. Nickelodeon magazine is the award-winning magazine from the number one network for kids. It keeps kids of all ages entertained for hours with celebrity interviews, comics, pull-outs, puzzles and more. Its sister magazine, Nickelodeon Fun Puzzles & Games, is filled w/full-color, fun puzzles like word searches, mazes & easy crosswords, plus riddles and pictures to draw, featuring favorite Nickelodeon characters.

With children’s magazines, the possibilities are endless. They make perfect gifts, and while they may not be the most exciting gift to open at the birthday party, the joy on a child’s face every month when he receives his very own magazine delivered right to his mailbox is priceless. With the wide variety of titles available for children, there is bound to be something for every child in your life.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


good day..

fiuh...i thought this blog had gone...but..i found it still working, so i have another blog to write now..hehehe..

at first, i forgot my password for this blog..but after i refresh and defrag my brain.. got it...i can sign in again...

but i still dunno what i'm going to write in this blog...maybe i'm gonna make it my english practice place..hehehehe..

i really appreciate all ur comments , critics, or sugestion for me bout my english...

good day..

fiuh...i thought this blog had gone...but..i found it still working, so i have another blog to write now..hehehe..

at first, i forgot my password for this blog..but after i refresh and defrag my brain.. got it...i can sign in again...

but i still dunno what i'm going to write in this blog...maybe i'm gonna make it my english practice place..hehehehe..

i really appreciate all ur comments , critics, or sugestion for me bout my english...


try to speak english

(not a) good day...

honestly, i dont have any ideas to mind got stuck here...dunno why?? perhaps i got lot of problems lately...hope this condition will fade away..soon...

(not a) good day...

honestly, i dont have any ideas to mind got stuck here...dunno why?? perhaps i got lot of problems lately...hope this condition will fade away..soon...